the reason we took leave on monday and tuesday was to settle some outstanding stuff. first of all, we wanted to update the address on our identification card. i'm bored of people using my dad's home address when they write my address. hubby's even was his house way, way back in the 90's. dont know if the house still exist. so off we went to maju junction. i recommended the JPN office in putrajaya but hubby said its too far. we got to maju junction around 9am. there wasnt many people so we had breakfast first. we got to the JPN office about half an hour after that. guess what...there were no more numbers!! can you not have numbers? what do they people do when they numbers all gone, dont they work anymore, they relax? ok...we'll come back tomorrow.
we went off to one utama. i wanted to get my phone back. went to the shop...still not ready. hubby went alone. i told him i cant handle the stress of talking and then screaming to the shopkeeper. hubby then decided to watch a movie. we bought 2 tickets for "cars". something amir would enjoy and there wont be too many people in there. i was praying amir would go to sleep. it got a wee bit irritating listening to him going "car..." everytime a car appeared on the screen (in a movie, about cars...).
after the movie, we had a quick bite to eat and went back. hubby stopped by the phone shop again to ask about my phone. a screaming match between him and the shopkeeper. of course hubby's the one doing all the screaming. its been 5 weeks, for crying out loud. they said it would take 3 weeks, tops.
went back, amir felt a bit warm. i gave him paracetamol and put him in his cot. i managed about an hour or rest (while hubby washed the car) before the little terror woke up. i thought he's supposed to be feverish? then a call came from the phone shop. surprise, surprise...the phone's ready. man, if i knew a screaming match is what it would take for them to get my phone back from the factory, i would have screamed earlier!
amir slept as soon as we got home...
woke up...tak macam demam pun
we took a quick shower, maghrib and left the house for 1 utama yet again. phone!! went to get dinner nearby. amir feels really hot now, not warm, even though he's chatting away like normal. we decided to bring him to the hospital. somehow when we got to the hospital, amir became all lembik and clingy. is it the air around the place?
his temperature was 39.5! thank god we brought him early. the doctor gave him volteron and gave something for his runny nose. before we left the hospital, he fell asleep. slept all the way home and didnt wake up when i gave him a sponge bath to cool him down. in the middle of the night, he woke up, wanting to sleep with us. amir's adik is kicking me non-stop. maybe he knows abang long is not feeling well...
amir's adik kicking me...
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