since we couldnt get a number yesterday, we went slightly earlier to maju junction today. got there before 9...surprise, surprise...there was no number!! hubby complained to the clerk at the counter and she let him into the office. after some persuasion, she gave him a number and said to come back at 2.45pm (after their lunctime). hello...its 9am now!! i wasnt interested in coming back and told hubby so. told him again...we should have gone to putrajaya. he said, if they still had numbers at putrajaya, we'll go there. i called - they had - we went.
it wasnt difficult finding the JPN office in putrajaya. i kinda like that city, its really nicely organised. a bit big and spread out, but nice. i like the fact that the main offices are located on one long stretch of a road. it was a cloudy day, a nice day to drive around actually. we got there around 10.30am. got our numbers, changed our addresses, took our photos and left the place before 11.30am. told hubby again...we should have gone to putrajaya! i sat with amir in front of the building watching buses drive by while hubby took the car. amir's fascinated by moving vehicles for some reason. maybe its the hours he spend in the back seat of the car every day.
we havent had breakfast, so we looked for somewhere to eat. i donno putrajaya, so i suggested alamanda. hubby was talking about a place he went to once but he couldnt remember the name or the location. so we went to alamanda. i really like that mall. its spacious and nicely organised. i especially love the babies changing room. i could spend hours in there. the surau is beautiful too, esp the glass wall. really nice. amir loved the water features. i think he wanted to live in them. alamanda reminds me of trafford centre. speaking of trafford centre, amir would have loved the pool-like water feature in its food court.
we left after lunch, we were really tired. we went everywhere during this long break and all of the sudden it dawned on us. the drive back was quiet and fast (hubby was almost falling asleep). when we got home, we slept for hours. amir was burning up when i woke up. gave him his paracetamol and started sponging him down. i sat with him on my lap until dinnertime. he's very lembik and clingy when he's not well. hubby bought nasi lemak for dinner. we ate and fed amir a bit. shoved a volteron up his ***, gave him his flu med and put him in his cot. i'll sponge him down again after i take my bath.
looks like tomorrow will be long break day 7 for us.
p/s what's wrong with this blog?? i cant upload photos
thanks concreterose...finally got to upload some photos of amir demam
1 comment:
hope amir get well soon....
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