went behind our house to the furniture mall. they were having a sale, good timing. got a nice single mattress for only $110. quite thick but not too thick. we could bring it home immediately too. as soon as hubby brought it upstairs, amir jumped on it. we were still taking out the plastic cover. hubby had to distract him while i put the bedsheet on. not only did he get a new mattress, we also bought a nice comforter set from aussino at ikano, earlier this morning. hubby debated whether to get him a football comforter set or one with more colours. i left him by himself while he decided. he finally chose one with pictures of animals. nice one :)

after the initial excitement died down, hubby said amir went over to his cot. let's see how he responds to the change tonight.
p/s i decided to join the team and get a haircut as well. luckily i got a 50% off voucher at snips. now my head feels lighter. should i have gone for a number 1 too?
wish i could get myself a new mattress too. mine's gone all soft, and i hate it!
the bro did a #1 once with an electric shaver, and commented that his hair would grow nice n thick after that. on impulse i said "me next!!" and he obliged....
for close to 2 mths, n with great difficulty, i managed to keep that secret "under wraps" by coming up with 1001 excuses to my father as to why i'm wearing a cap/scarf all the time at home!!
it's all good now, nice n thick....heheh...
mock...i really nak try the number 1. but i think i wont be allowed into the office if my hair was like that. what kind of excuses can u come up with in 2 months??
at home, with my dad, it's pretty easy. you just distract him with any topic i.e. football, or the government, or any household issues, and he'll forget abt my head issue.
outside home, lagi la very easy kan.....
so cuteee
its interesting to have kids of your own,trying to take them from one phase to another
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