got there almost 10am, there was no parking. so i stayed in the car while hubby went to see the doctor. got his MC and loads of medication. santai was closed so we went to ismail instead. while we were having breakfast, it started to rain heavily. hmm...nice weather to sleep, we thought. took the meds after breakfast and went home. we thought was nice to sleep in this weather. my head was still heavy from last night's today's dose...memang tak ingat dunia. i didnt even realise when hubby left for friday prayers.
when he got home, he brought back some rojak. we ate around 3pm. then went out to do some banking in shah alam town. on the way back stopped at the field for amir to run around. kesian him...daddy & mummy not well, dia pulak kena coop up. since it was early and we needed some fresh air, hubby said lets go see the lights at klcc tonite. we went ready & left for klcc after maghrib. once we got to jalan parlimen, the traffic was so bad. road closure was everywhere. masuk tun razak pun the same. so we turned back. hubby suggested 1 utama. balik-balik one utama. bangsar lah this time. more lights for amir to see. so we went to bangsar village. had dinner at outback steakhouse. nice and not so expensive. big protion too. i ordered the burger while hubby had the catch of the day.

we got home past 11pm. amir slept in the car. with the running in the field and in bangsar village, he was really tired. which was good since our meds made us sleepy.
p/s what's wrong with the blog? i cant put up pictures.
Eat there before, quite nice but i still prefer Chilis.. Wah cuti nampak on Friday..
a'ah...chillis & friday's better tapi at least this place takde long queue. food ok but other places better. yg good thing is dpt extra 20% discount for citibank card...hehehe
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