
Sunday, July 27, 2008


hubby took us to a new place on saturday. we've lived in shah alam for more than 3 years but we've never ventured into the taman budaya (is that what its called...i cant remember) nice place by the lake, over looking the wet world. across the lake was a big playground but we never made it that far - it was the wrong time. asyraf and ariff were napping in the car and i was thinking of cooking lunch. note to hubby - next time we go in the evening ye?

added a couple of new dishes to my list. on saturday i made sweet and sour fish (i cheated - i sought maggi's help). it complemented the oh-so-simple sawi goreng and the boys' chicken wings soup.

on sunday i finally made nasi lemak. i donno why i've never made it before, probably because i cant believe it would be as easy as they say it would. i kept thinking there must be a catch. i bet if i buat sure tak jadik one. but it really was easy and my nasi lemak tasted like nasi lemak. the other thing that stopped me from making was the sambal. i dont know how to make sambal. this time around it didnt turn out right - a bit too sour hubby said. i planned on making sambal udang but as i was cooking hubby said he wanted ikan bilis as well. so i divided my sambal base into two and made two sambals - udang and ikan bilis.

2 of my 3 boys were given new hairstyles. well, for asyraf its not so new but for ariff, its something different. the last time we shaved him bald was during my confinement. my confinement lady was a master at shaving a newborn's head. ariff's hair is not thick but its been growing at the back. he was absolutely wonderful at the barber, did not emit a single sound.

asyraf & ariff...before (ignore the flow of water everywhere, both are having flu and ariff is teething - 5th and 6th teeth are on the way)

asyraf & ariff...after

my three botaks

and a big thank you to watie for the cupcakes. 1 wasnt enough. happy anniversary!


Anonymous said...

Akak... serius nyer la muka ariff.. muka besar giler.. amir kurus la akak..
best nyer nasi lemak akak.. akak, next time bila citer pasal makanan, boh la resepi nyer skali ek.. mana tau buleh tiru2..

Liza said...

Looking at the nasi lemak, I want nasi lemak too, looking at ariff, I wanna a baby boy too...but for now, I'll settle with the nasi lemak....

~MrSShamSul~ said...

erm..muka ariff cam dah jadi big boyla.. kening mahal

nae said...

nice cuppies...thought nikki is not available

Jungle Playland said...

Nina!why oh why.. your sambal udang looked so yummylicious.. and i'm fasting today (pose ganti)
tadi tak lapar.. lepas tgk ur cooked food.. suddently i felt water coming out from my mouth ..huhuhu nasi lemak! oh nasi lemak!

Ariff! what have you done to Ariff..heheh he is so adorable! even with the new haircut.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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