waiting for the event to start was a torture. even before it started asyraf was throwing a fit. ariff was his usual cool self, as long as he had something in his hand and in his mouth.
his headmistress gave a speech at the start of the event. amir's 2 favourite teachers were the mc - cikgu huda and cikgu fatim.

the toddler class gave the first performance (complete with tears) and amir's playgroup class was the 2nd to go on stage. they sang sayang ibu song (with asyraf as a back-up dancer on the side) and the apple song (which amir wouldnt sing - he says he doesnt like it).

amir got no 9 during his mid-year exams so he got a consolation priza. i loved the 4-5 year old performance. they were so cute!

we left early...all because of asyraf. on the way home the boys slept, so hubby said we'll drive around first. went to the aussino sale and bought bedsheets for the boys. so cheap and nice!

hari kecermalangan pelajar...sound so serious kan? Anyway, I always enjoy going to this kind of event
Tomelnya budak2 kenit itu!
Psst...any plan for ariff's 1st birthday?:)
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