
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Just The Two Of Us

hubby and i took leave on tuesday. went out just the two of us. lots of plans were made, most of them didnt materialise, due to malas-ness and sleepiness.

we went to settle our quit rent and assessment at mbsa. we dont pay at the counter, usually, but we wanted to make sure they update our particulars as we've not been getting the payment advice since last year. i also wanted to collect my cheque book but the bank seemed so far away.

next was ikano and the curve. the top of my list was brand's outlet - but it was closed till 12pm for stock take - so hubby and i spent over an hour at popular book store. bought some heavy reading for us - it doesnt get any heavier than hubby's dictionary - and some light reading for amir and asyraf.

then a quick stop at world of cartoons (i need to get the pooh pajamas for the boys) and aussino (mental note to get those nice bedsheet set for the boys' room next month). as i walked pass mum's care, this jumperoo caught my attention. i want i want i want (note - i also saw it at isetan yesterday...stop following me u evil jumperoo!!) then off to brands outlet. after hassling with hubby on so many things - colours, pictures, elmo or thomas, tiak or no tiak - we finally decided on 3 tops each.

finally...we've been waiting for this...hubby and i had our lunch at bubba gump. we sat there for a long time, enjoying our food and reading. of course the boys were never far away as they were our main topic of conversation. i love the concept of the place. foodwise, ok lah, but i will opt for the shrimp alone next time.

after lunch, we discarded our plans to watch a movie and went home.

that night we took our time with the boys. no need to rush as we prepared everything before we went out to pick them up.


Jungle Playland said...

I too want that fisher price jungle fever.. huhuh i love all their design! I'll buy for my next baby huhuh....

Wow Ariff dah boleh stand on his own! Good for you Ariff!

Anonymous said...

Akkkaaakkk!! Ariff tengah gelak ke apa tu? alahai.. mcm nak telan2 jer dia.. ariff nampak katik la pulak bila diri.. mesti dia tgh mengejoykan diri tu kan? muka cam nak wat sumthing naughty je tu...aikk akak.. tak der baju sama ke kali ni akak?

mommamia said...

wish to go dat restaurant too!it's all bout seafood rite?hmm now i cant take seafood,tekak reject habis,mayb after give birth,lama btul nak tunggu

amir dah boleh memapah dah?wah!tak lama lg berjln lah tu,selamatlah mommy ber'exercise' ya!

Liza said...

best nyer shopping so double drooling for me, for the shopping and the food

rafiqaheliza said...

Quoting Eiseai "of course the boys were never far away as they were our main topic of conversation" - isn't it so? Isn't it like really-really quiet without having them around? I selalu feel empty and don't know what to talk about (if not about them) kalau i keluar dating with hubby alone.

Hey, Asyraf is on his way of weaning from milk dependency. Ashraff yang dah besar panjang still needs to drink milk (from bottle!) before sleep. I tgh nak wean2 both ashraff and aliff from bottle and bfeed. Hard job! But yakin boleh.

Anonymous said...

Ariff sangat comel, nampak macam sgt sedap dipeluk...tengah gelak sakan ke dia time tue?


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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