
Saturday, July 19, 2008

No More

after all this...

i'm happy, i'm contented and i'm done!


mar!ahaf!z said...

:) gi shopping eh sally..

kaezrin said...

bedsheet or pillowcase tuh?? where at?? i like.....

Liza said...

Shopping should be classified as one type of addiction, once you start you find it difficult to stop, that's why I don't wanna start though so very tempted too....

mommamia said...

frame yg byk2 tu idaman i gakk..byk brg nak grab kt ikea ni,bila la nak sale..huhu

eiseais said...

mrs hafiz...hehehe skali skala :)

kaezrin...bedsheet set. murah je $29 at aussino. nice eh? comfy too. kain sedap. is an addiction only if you cant control. if you can control and dont go overboard, its a nice time out from life.

mar...i love the frames. best kan. even during non-sale time pun murah. the big ones are only $12. great buy.

Anonymous said...

sangat jeles lah org tu asyik ke aussino je. mentang-mentanglah dekat.. huhu..

Jungle Playland said...

I like the bedsheet! Ausin** have lots of cool design kan.

Frames are cheap kat IK.EA and that are nice. If i have tons of money i buy IKEA.. not the stuff in it i buy the company..huhuhu!! Then i will throw slumber parties for all tak? hahaha

Liza said...

dott, i nak join the slumber party yer


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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