
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Busy Saturday

we started the day early. got the boys ready for an outing. as usual, an outing that was supposed to start at 9am started at 10am, even though the boys were ready by 745am.

we went to lake gardens to meet hafiz and his friend. havent been there for ages. due to the heat, hafiz suggested we stop after an hour.

then off to tssc's house for debt repayment. its rambutan favourite fruit. we left with 2 bags of rambutan and a little something from tssc's nursery.

had a quick lunch and then got the boys to go to bed.

we had dinner at dot's house for her hubby's birthday. kudos to dot for the wonderful spread and the yummy cake and the lovely door gift and especially the companion. hope the birthday boy had fun!


Liza said...

macam pernah ku lihat photographer itu tapi di mana ya!

mar!ahaf!z said...

sally, taksabar nak tgk hasil photography! :)

Jungle Playland said...

Nina & family! Thank you for coming...your boys are so well behaved! envy you so much! huhuhu!!
Hope you guys had a great time!

Mr.H loves the gift! boleh add to his Arsenal collections.

Ariff is so adorable!!

P/s: someone left baby shoes orange colour. Is it yours?

Anonymous said...

hehehe tipu...bukan buat pau tuh heheheh

Erin - Ibu Qistina + Qaisara + Qamilia said...

Heheh kelakar tgk gelagat asyraf yg mcm blur je bila photographer tu nak snap gambar dia...

Erna said...

Hello neighbour!!

This time i tinggal jejak!=)
Nnt rumah i dah settle meh la jalan2 sini ;)

mommamia said...

sally,comelnya all ur heroes pakai baju sama, dah mcm kembar tiga dah,photography utk magazine ke ni?bgtau i mag mana,i nak beliiii!!

Anonymous said...

hi nina!

nice meeting u and your boys
last weekend..:)



the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
Images by Freepik