
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sports Day 2008

date - 19 april 2008
time - 8am - 12pm
venue - padang rapidkl, subang

amir had his sports day today. his second (next year it'll be amir and asyraf...nice!!) amir's in blue house; anakku house.

pics of the padang

marching. amir's house won first place for the march.

food before play.

amir participated in 2 games - he won third place in 1 and got a consolation prize in another.

amir and his friends. his two medals.

the whole family wore blue to support abang long.


Anonymous said...

alahai comel nyer pakai macam zorro mix hang tuah, very the creative lah.. amir nampak happy sungguh on that day kan

Liza said...

the mother nampak begaya sakan di tepi padang, anyway, congrats yer abang long, comei sungguh aunty tgk

Erin - Ibu Qistina + Qaisara + Qamilia said...

Alahai Amir... seronok tgk dia jalan paling depan dalam perbarisan rumah biru dia tu.. cute je :D

Cayalah Amir...umur baru 3 tahun dah masuk acara camni...siap perbarisan... macam 6 yrs old boy aje...

Best la sekolah ni...

Anonymous said...

alahhhhh he is so cute ina..look at him masa beratur tu kan, so so ketot compare to oters yet so high in spirit nak cute pakai topeng rumah biru..hahha..lucunya tgk kan, i'm sure die suka amat dapat medal..haha..lucu gak tgk die pegang tgn kawan2 die tu kan, i rasa sunguh kelakar tgk boys time kecik, pegang jerk tangan member die, by the time they reach 11-12, hah macho dah lah jd..hahahha..i tgk gambar adik i dulu pun, umur 8 tahun pegang tangan budak pompuan lagi..hahahha..

Unknown said...

klakar la tgk si arif nie.. ghendah jerk.. dier paling kcik.... sonok kan kak sally bila anak2 dah membesar gini... siap dpt pingat tue.... syabas bete..... :D


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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