thank you to everyone for the well wishes. amir was diagnosed with food poisoning by dr azizi. it was virus rather than food-related (contrary to some opinion that it was due to the 1 bite of toast he had for lunch on friday).
the first day amir was weak...totally weak. the second day, he was better. come the third, he was begging to go home.

amir with asyraf & ariff when they were around...

amir was discharged late monday night, after 2 nights at the hospital. not before he received gifts from the office (thanks normal...that cheered him up tremendously)

today, he didnt look as good as he did on monday. he refused food and drinks. we took him out for some fresh air (and some shopping). he slept most of the time. we're hoping that that will help refresh him.

the first day amir was weak...totally weak. the second day, he was better. come the third, he was begging to go home.

amir with asyraf & ariff when they were around...

amir was discharged late monday night, after 2 nights at the hospital. not before he received gifts from the office (thanks normal...that cheered him up tremendously)

today, he didnt look as good as he did on monday. he refused food and drinks. we took him out for some fresh air (and some shopping). he slept most of the time. we're hoping that that will help refresh him.
the doctor warned us the virus can spread to any one of us. who got attacked? amir's mummy and his itty bitty baby brother...sigh...
Alhamdulilah to know he is better, he just need time to be himself, glad he like the gift...
cepat sembuh ye amir..
*nina, penyakit dina dtng balik :(
When it rains, it pours right? Glad amir is recovering. Hope you feel better by now
Thank god EI is still fit to look after everyone :)
layunya muka amir masa sakit..dah tak cheeky mcm biasa..
sian mokmok i tu tau. cuba u tgk betul2 muka dia.tido meniarap pun leh nampak dia kerut kening.tizu kat sini doakan dia setiap masa supaya dia cepat baik..i yg besar gabak ni pun lembik kalau kena, apa lagi yg comel lote mcm ni..isk..isk..isk..
Glad amir is recovering...
And now I hope lil Ariff is ok..and u too.
Letih betul kalau food poisoning ni.
Oh ye, it's been a while since I visited your blog. Missing lots and lots of updates:)
told u its virus...
been going round lately...
hit most of my staff's kids (& family...
Sian Amir sakit.ngeri nyer tengok tangan amir kena masuk air.Harap2 lepas ni amir sihat hendaknyer.Kak sally,ariff momok nyer....geram tengok lengan n kaki dia
aminn dah sembuh dah amir .. risau gak yer.. smp berjangkit ke satu rumh virus tue ... hmmmm sedih plk tgk amir dgn drip tue .. ades kita pun sakit masa masuk drip ..apatah lagi amir ... nmpk sgt dia muka dia tgh sakit ..kita doakan satu rumah kak sally akan kembali ceria & sembuh k ;-)
sedeynyer tengok amir kat atas car seat tuh..layu je muka dia :(
u dah sihat tak?dont take solid food,pedas2 sumer kena pantang for the time being-how bout ariff?hopefully ariff tak lost weight n hopefully gak everything will be back to normal, sihat ceria semua hendaknya..
sian amir... dah sihat kan.... jgn nakal² tau~!
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