entry ni membuat saya tersiat hati, menikam dada, remuk redam perasaan saya sbb terlalu rindukan mokmok. nape lah dia ni sangat comel, gebu, montok dan mengiurkan..hahahaha
tak sabar nak kidnap dia may nanti. mokmok..nantikan kedatangan tizu yer..sabar ye syg...jgn biarkan mummy jadi penghalang cinta suci kita...
aha no doubt lah,so now i understand y ur dad dah agree dgn ur stand of not to have maid-ur kids membesar dgn baik,happy,ceria,sihat walafiat elok elok shj..and that 3rd hero of yours,my gawddd,adalah sgt comel dan montossssss ok,i geram ni,rasa nak gigit2!;)
Nina, what spell did you cast on Ariff to sit nicely in his bumbo seat? :-D Please share coz Adnan refuse to seat in his bumbo. For 2 mins ok jer then keraskan badan sampai nak jatuh ke depan laa .heheh
hahahha..daddy entertain mmg kena tunggu mood kan..haha..mummy tak kisah ber'mood' ker no-mood' ker, kena gak entertain..daddy entertain suka lah d boys, haha..cheeky amir dok bukak lubang apa lah pulak tu..hahahaha..semalam i tgk goonies tau ina, and remembered the first time we saw it at ida's ..u ader gak time tu kan..makan ice cream sumer umah die, hahahha..tergolek2 rasa gelak, u still rememmber nama glamer i hahahaha..cessssssss!i sendiri pun tak ingat, it shows how little urat u putus time u beranak..hahaha..walau ada anak byk dr i, urat i lagi songsang byk lupa..oooh and i've tried the shepard pie..yumsss mum!..gigit moks for me!
OMG! You are indeed a super-mom lah babe! I salute you. No maid, 3 boys below 4..and u still can cook and clean. Mmg respect! Seriously u, just by looking at the pics only I can see how tiring it is shld I am in your shoes. But u still have that cheeky smile if yours. Do u take any supplement?
the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
A home-maker, wife of a footie nut and mummy of four active boys and a baby girl with very different personalities. Loves travelling, shopping, good food and Manchester United. Spends hours doing (and redoing) lists. Loves order...hates chaos.
Akak, si bungsu sangat montokss.. cam nak gigit jer.. hehehe...
entry ni membuat saya tersiat hati, menikam dada, remuk redam perasaan saya sbb terlalu rindukan mokmok. nape lah dia ni sangat comel, gebu, montok dan mengiurkan..hahahaha
tak sabar nak kidnap dia may nanti. mokmok..nantikan kedatangan tizu yer..sabar ye syg...jgn biarkan mummy jadi penghalang cinta suci kita...
aha no doubt lah,so now i understand y ur dad dah agree dgn ur stand of not to have maid-ur kids membesar dgn baik,happy,ceria,sihat walafiat elok elok shj..and that 3rd hero of yours,my gawddd,adalah sgt comel dan montossssss ok,i geram ni,rasa nak gigit2!;)
Nina, what spell did you cast on Ariff to sit nicely in his bumbo seat? :-D
Please share coz Adnan refuse to seat in his bumbo. For 2 mins ok jer then keraskan badan sampai nak jatuh ke depan laa .heheh
I agree with others Ariff is so montok.. hhehe
hahahha..daddy entertain mmg kena tunggu mood kan..haha..mummy tak kisah ber'mood' ker no-mood' ker, kena gak entertain..daddy entertain suka lah d boys, haha..cheeky amir dok bukak lubang apa lah pulak tu..hahahaha..semalam i tgk goonies tau ina, and remembered the first time we saw it at ida's ..u ader gak time tu kan..makan ice cream sumer umah die, hahahha..tergolek2 rasa gelak, u still rememmber nama glamer i hahahaha..cessssssss!i sendiri pun tak ingat, it shows how little urat u putus time u beranak..hahaha..walau ada anak byk dr i, urat i lagi songsang byk lupa..oooh and i've tried the shepard pie..yumsss mum!..gigit moks for me!
hahahaha, asyraf muka nangis muka mintak simpati. hahahahaha.
glad to hear that ur dad finally agree with u..:)
apa2 lagi puas hati tgk anak2 sendiri terjaga dgn baik (well maintaned-:P)
geramnyer tgk mokmok, nie yang nak baby lagik nie
wa asyraf.. bakat dah ada tu ;)
OMG! You are indeed a super-mom lah babe! I salute you. No maid, 3 boys below 4..and u still can cook and clean. Mmg respect! Seriously u, just by looking at the pics only I can see how tiring it is shld I am in your shoes. But u still have that cheeky smile if yours. Do u take any supplement?
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