hubby said that maybe because even though we have no maid, the boys are healthy (with the occasional bouts of flu & cough), happy, clean, well-maintained (if there's such a word), well-fed, well-slept. maybe he saw that we are both committed to our 'no maid' stand.
whatever brought up the agreement from him, i just thank God.
syerah gave birth yesterday. finally. she's been waiting for the longest time. i think she feels like the last few weeks have been dragging on. i dont know how many bathrooms she can wash.
to syerah & en senol...congratulations on baby lana. she is a cute as her name.

Comel nye baby Syerah.
heheh finally tssc mengalah jugak ek...sometimes orang tua neih diorang tak percaya kat kita..sebab they thought we just too young to handle kena buktikan...kita bolehhh!! ehhehe..
Good for you! I still don't know what's your secret (without no help from a maid)...taking care of 3 kids. Hmm may be you have the "I" (not with the H)factor kot.. hehehe
I wish my dad still around to sponsor2 more maids to help me.. keh keh keh!
my dad also agrees with my decision not having a maid after spending 3 years arguing with him, alhamdulilah, we managed and now that the kids are all schooling, it is much easier than before...
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