i think amir remembered the time he was admitted last year and cried out the moment he saw the hospital bed. the nurses took some time inserting the drip. the admission process was a bit slow and we were shown to the room after more than an hour waiting at a&e (there were only 3 other patients).
amir was given voltaren and antibiotics, besides the drip. ariff was his relaxed self and slept with amir. asyraf was bored in the room and wanted to follow the nurse do her rounds.
i do hope amir will recover soon; being in the hospital should speed up his recovery.
please give my hugs and kisses to amir...and. Of course to asyraf and ariff, we are praying for his speedy recovery...
goes with the territory i guess ....parenthood and hospital (among other things)
hope amir get well soon.
makcik, i sedih tgk amir sakit.. ;( kesian nyer.. hope dia akan baik soon,very soon.. *pray*
oohh..xtau amir admitted..so sori kaco akak smalm..
to amir..a hug from auntie...get well ok...
auntie mar asik dok terbyg amir lembik..and to see this pic make my heart wrenched,takpe la kalu warded lg cpt sembuh..my pray will always b with u,get well soon amir dearie and to mummy, take care of ur health too
auntie cujie harap amir dah sihat hari ni. Mommy kena jaga kesihatan juga ok.
adik amir sayang
siannya auntie tgk dia
tak pe
amir kuat
auntie tau..amir mmg kuat
moga cepat semboh yek
nampak amir so calm, he is so tiny mana lah die nak tahu that he is not so well kan- sedih tul lah ina tgk amir gitu, and baca entry lepas2 yr boys on and off lak tukar betton sakit- tp at least kat sana kalu anak kiter demam kiter request nak admitted Dr follow kan? kalu kat sini-hampeh ina-anak kwn i, yg umur 6 bulan kena food poisoning,teruk, Dr kata my fren panic tak tentu psl, "its just a normal bug. it will heel by itself.nothing much we can do" die masuk drip and monitor the bb for 5 hrs, then discharge WITHOUT any ubat.Kami sini dah biasa takder ubat, kalu jumpa Dr pun, mmg come home with nothing, beli kat pharmacy jer ubat2 demam sumer(mmg ubat die bagus la)-tp nak jumpa Dr, mmg lemah semangat, lg demam anak plus mak ayah sekali- how are you coping? kalu anak demam nie, satu hal lah anak tu, u tu sendiri yg tak tentu hala kan- i hope amir will be fine soon, and u too ina, take care-hus for u and the boys!
Amir..sayu nyer hati auntie erin tgk amir tidur dgn tangan berdrip mcm tu...
Cepat2 sembuh ye Amir...
Nanti mummy ngan daddy bertambah2 risau....
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