before the trip...
after, back to being mummy's central defender...
his teachers screamed when they saw him this morning.
posing with abang long, to show off the new hairdo and the new tops before we went to a friend's birthday party on saturday. that was before abang long fell from the bed and hurt his head.
i met lots of friends at the party, friends i made through forumming (azie, cujie, ila). i hope my boys will be friends with their children, as their mothers are friends now.
alahai kesiannye rambut asyraf dah takder..
when my hero was smaller, i always make sure rambut dia like asyraf, u know how active boys can be, kesian tgk bepeluh giler
oo.. rupanya ada misi membotakkan asyraf...
mana rambut asyraf???hehehhe..
udah butaks lagi ittew budak cute..
beb, siannya tengok amir kena ikat dlm car...kekekekek
yeahhh akhirnya dpt gak rambut asyraf dimakeoverkan ... kak sally i baru last week potong rambt adam .. i tukang pegang adam .hubby tukang gunting ...sendiri bikin ...he..he... so good boy asyraf kt kedai rambut tu ... heppi jer muka ;-)
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