i dressed the boys in their new clothes. this was the outfit i told amir he would be wearing for our now-defunct penang trip. he kept saying he was going to see aeroplane.
on the way, amir & ariff slept in the car. asyraf remained awake througout the journey. he had the most surprised look on his face. he kept looking at everything we passed, from busses to the monorail to the tall buildings. this is what happens when "orang kampung shah alam masuk kl".
there was one time when were walking in the huge building and hubby wanted to get his bearings so we looked outside to see where we were. at that moment we were facing jalan bukit bintang. i stopped...that was my view for 3 out of the 5 years i was in school. when we were bored of listening to the teachers we would look out at jalan bukit bintang and dream away. it was very sad.
we were there for about 2 hours. we've gone passed the era where we can sit in a shopping mall for any time longer than that. not just because of the boys but also because of the crowd.
hubby wanted to get a new perfume for himself so we went to parkson. i suggested polo explorer. he got $30 voucher that we used to get toys for amir & asyraf (both of which amir is currently playing with)
a quick lunch at madam kwan's. surprisingly, this time around it was asyraf who behaved and ariff who kicked up a fuss.
on the way back the boys slept. we were tired too so for dinner i just made baked pasta as it was a fast and easy dish.
huhu..saya lom lagi jejak kaki masuk pavillion itew...takat lalu je kt jln bb tu...
wonder bila nk pegi..mesti kalo pegi..sure ckp...oohh..sini kantin...sini hall...hhaha
ariff..kenapa anda sungguh comel.isk!
hahaha..i'm a regular kat "it was once the office block" situ..
i have the layout on the back of my hand...hehehe...kepala traitor, dats me ;)
Gosh..I've been there a few times too. I blame J Co donuts.
Masa first time pergi memang guiltyyyy sangat.
saya sungguh tidak boleh tengok itu muka mokmok..kenapa sangat comel..ish!!..
sabtu ni bawak dia eh..
-mak angkat ariff-
azie...mula2 tak nak pegi. tapi sbb lawa jugak tempat tu, so nak tunjuk kat hubby.
mock...serious besar that place. i didnt even know where i am most of the time. kena jengok outside baru tau.
trueblue...i saw big apple pun dah bukak. wanted to get some but tak sempat.
syerah/zu...hehehe dia makin mok lah sekarang. muka dia bulat je. kalau letak sebelah asyraf nampak dia lagi besar
ariff sangat cool..
ur boys hensem2 belaka,bakal bachelor idaman malaya-irina pun slalu lopong bila masuk kl esp nitetime,lampu cantik warna warni,mmg terasa shah alam ni jauhkan dah mcm duduk kg,but i still like it,peaceful jer..
i never like big shopping malls, always feel comfy in subang parade...
the boys are handful kan?, when my kids were around that age, at least once every 3 months I will take leave just for me to be by myself...do my nails ke, facial ke...
i forgot to ask you, waiting for you to blog the "fall" incident....
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