currently at a good place, in terms of work. but he's a bit unhappy with his superior so he's opening his option, ie looking for other places. but i'm not very keen, as the boys are ok there, his office is mere 10 minutes away. but if he's not happy with the people he work with, he would have less motivation going to work, would he? ah well...any bloggers know of any vacancy in a corporate communication department, we'd be happy to hear from you...
i was surprised (to say the least) earlier last week, when i was offered a promotion in another department. my first thought was an immediate "no" but we could use the extra income. but then...would the extra income be "compensated" with less time at home with my boys? not only that, i would need to learn all over again. and now is not really the time...i'll be going on leave in less than 4 months time. decisions...decisions...
the boys...
my babies, they've grown so much. amir's learning more and more words. he's repeating so much of what we say, too. his vocab contains more malay than english words though (sob sob). hubby took the boys for a haircut yesterday. i've always loved my boys with shaved head. we found yet more birthmarks on asyraf after his haircut.
asyraf has always been a bit difficult in the car. he wouldnt sleep in his car seat, prefering to sleep on my shoulder. he hates it when the car stops. he would only tolerate the car seat for a mininal period of time before screaming his lungs out. yesterday, i've had it. asyraf...i'm gonna make you sit in a car seat if that's the last thing i do! (yeah...i did scream) so off we went to one utama. i had to get him a car seat, maybe that would work. i saw one which was really good. i could be used as a booster seat, and the price was reasonable. but then it would be more suitable for amir. after some thoughts, we decided to get it. went in for asyraf's car seat, went out with amir's. what if asyraf doesnt like amir's current seat...great, so we didnt really put a lot of thoughts before buying.
on the way home, we tried. asyraf was fed before the car ride home. at least he wouldnt scream out for milk. i was anxious. kalau tak suka, habis lah... thank the stars, he loved it in there. maybe its the height. he was able to see more things - buildings, billboards, trucks and cars. it wasnt even 5 minutes when we turned and saw him fast asleep. why didnt we try this sooner?
how are the boys getting along? god...they absolutely adore each other. asyraf would always have this one-sided grin on his face when he sees abang long. amir, on the other hand, loves the attention he gets from asyraf. he's really excited about asyraf growing up. he's always holding his hand out to asyraf, as though asyraf can walk. and he loves it when asyraf jumps and squels watching whatever new tricks he learnt. he's also very possesive of abang, asking mummy or daddy to take asyraf back from whoever carrying him.
my boys getting their haircut...
after haircut...
in their new car seats. where are we going to put baby#3??
at the curve (i had a craving for paddington house of pancakes...)
Hi! I'm really busy. But I have 10-mins to spare before I focusing on my tasks. So, I decided to give your blog a visit-:)
On you, decision tu agak payah jugak. But if u really need extra money, go on. If u can survive without, than better don't. You're attached to your sons. So working extra hour means less time with them, which I don't think suit you. Anyway, it's up to u to decide. Do update us.
On your boys, sgt cute ok! I love my boys to get their heads shaved as well. Easy maintenance. Plus they look cuter with 'botak' head, all jumping and running ard..hehehe..
On your last post, really, really salute you for bringing the 2 boys to the movie. I haven't try bringing Ashraff for movie. But macam nak try jugak, maybe tgk Shrek3 kot..
leh lak duk diam2 si asyraf ni bila botakkan..bagusnya..
wah..syioknya....botakkan rambut. hadzeq pun nak kena botakkan nie coz lambat sngt tumbuh. hopefully his hair akan cepat panjang....
Heh..heh...decision...decision...not much help there.
Come 3rd one you'll need a 3rd row seat *wink wink.
But I love my Amir wif his nice and soft and silky smooth....
i know how u feel abt the promotion. been there... done that. huaarggh! what a though decision to make. with the new baby coming of course extra income wud help... but less time with the boys... i dun think u'd like that.
whtever it is, i'm sure u know wht is best for u n ur boys.
as for me, am beginning to regret the decision i made. arghh!
ditto princez kittie...prefer amir with hair...
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