asyraf's developments usually comes in batches, not gradually.
first batch was when he first rolled over, slept through the night and found his voice.
second batch was when he had his first meal, slept longer, and laughed out loud.
he went through his third batch of development last 2 days. nowadays he refused to sit still, excited to stand. he's adjusted himself in his new car seat. he can sit still in his car seat, without asking for susu and can even fall asleep (on his back, no less). yesterday, he raised his bum while on his tummy, first sign of crawling. instead of going forward, he went backwards though. he also showed off his skill of standing in his exersaucer yesterday.

look at my little man.....
so cute!! loves the last picture..
always laughing...such an adorable laugh, too!
always wan to stand...prefers to walk...
loves watching TV...
always interested in having a good intelligent conversation...
loves music...he loves to dance!
loves looking at bright colourful lights...
curious...he loves to watch the things that go on in d world...
kick a$$, Ash!
**psst....first post! hee hee
whoa... =)
Hi Js..besar dah asyraf... ish..kejap je masa berlalu...
rasa mcm baru lagi jumpa asyraf masa kita buat playgroup dulu....
makin comey...makin encem!
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