first thing we did was take them to the pool. amir of course wanted to jump in right away, and screamed bloody murder when we said its time. asyraf as usual, maintained his cool. he loved the water and was splashing away, but was ok when we took him up.
that night he set a record of sleeping for 12 hours (from 7pm to 7am) without getting up once!
took the boys for breakfast the next morning, bright and early. i wanted to bring them to the pool again, but after the huge breakfast, i just wanted to sleep. so i let them take a long bath in the room.
asyraf napped a couple of times, but amir was getting jittery and restless. he played by himself around the hotel room, we were just too tired to entertain him.
we came home around 2pm. amir was still full of energy. maybe we should have taken them to the padang, poor amir...
My children had been pestering us for a 'hotel' holiday * sigh.
Is that a mclaren? Ours orange colour used for 3 children afiq,sarah& hannah :)
bestnye dpt gi holiday..we too in dire needs of a loooong holiday.. where is this anyway?
btw, i must say..asyraf is one strikingly handsome boy...betul kate ur husband..air muke sejuk..suke tgk die..such a calm person.
butterflutter...this one is much-needed. just wanted to get out of the house, but remain within close enuf range. nope, the buggy is hoco (or something) from austria i think. bought kat toys r us. i like it cos dpt baring fully which is good for asyraf who cant sleep on his back. kat eastin. cheap lah the place. for $240 dpt junior suite kat exec floor plus breakkie. kalau normal room $170 je i think. plus not many people at the pool, usually. asyraf ni...skarang so much better and so much easier. main ngan dia pun best cos he seldom lets out his voice. so the time he laughs or screams, macam special sangat :)
wah seronok pergi cuti²... nampak dedua pun enjoyed very much sampai tido catat sejarah... :)
our cheap and close water excitement is at Pusat Akuatik behind Tesco/Makro.
I love the idea of going off somewhere near just relax and doesnt have to think abt the long journey.
I should do this. Planning to go for a single mom trip. Maybe i should just go to hotel nearby. Just to relax.
mmm bestnye lepak & rileks kat hotel... pernah plan tapi x pernah buat lg... we shud do it... we shud do it...
nad: heyyy i thought u & hubby slalu check in ber2 for ur weekend honeymoon? hehehe
Dah lama jugak I tak visit your blog. Byk update. But the thing I like most is all the photos of your two boys. It reminds me of my two boys sbb sama sgt (not the face, but the actions). I should have taken lots of candid photos like what u did. Kena keep the camera handy lah..
Heh, asyraf dah ada gigi? and he's crawling? Aliff belum lagi. Gigi takde, crawl or duduk pun belum. He's so relax and cool, taking his own sweet time.
On the holiday, macam syok sgt2! Hari tu we thot of lepaking kat one hotel in putrajaya. Tapi gila mahal!
Eh u, just in case kalau u tak visit my blog lagi, I've just started a new blog for my lil homie biz -
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