subsequent to getting Cs and Ds in his arts and crafts, amir has been throwing himself into colouring, drawing and singing. almost every night, he would ask for his "bob the builder" and "mickey mouse" colouring books. we usually switch off the main bedroom lights by 9pm, in order to wind the boys down. so amir would colour in the dark, with the tv providing the only lights in the room. he's been singing new songs now too. he loves "twinkle twinkle little stars" (or his version of tikle tikle tikle star) and one of his favourite songs is "springtime" from one of the mickey mouse club house episodes. he also loves singing "happy birthday" but his version is "happy birthday to you amir...happy birthday to you amir...happy birthday to you amir...happy birthday to you amir...yeayyyyyyyyyy..."
amir's a big time tattle tale. he would tell us everything his teachers and friends did at school, like teacher said sit down and teacher babab angah, or hakim babab azib, or fara jumped. during the last school holidays, he didnt have classes and the teacher got them to watch the telly. he came home talking about "ultraman" and how ultraman flies and kicks. hubby and i would say, "amir...ultraman notty, no ultraman. mickey mouse nice...elmo nice". i wrote a note to the teacher, asking her to stop showing ultraman in school. i mentioned once that amir loves going to people after he gets scolding and go "daddy buat" or "mummy buat". last night both hubby and i scolded him. what did he do? go up to asyraf and said "baby...daddy mummy buat"
i really cant wait to do up our yard. amir had a great time following hubby around when he was trimming the grass. he would be picking up all the toys he threw previously into the grass. i would love to see him kicking the football and swimming and up on the swing in the yard.
he surprised me the other day when he picked up one of the yassin that i leave under my pillow. he opened it and went "bismillahirrahmanirrahim" and proceeded to recite the doa makan. its surprising at his age, he's able to differentiate the roman ABC with the arabic alif ba ta. he also loves reading. coming out of the bathroom, he would usually run to his bookshelf, totally naked, and asks for "spot" or "rabbit" or "monster". his favourite book is "where's spot?"
eai #2
this boy...this little boy. he is my little teddy bear, my little huggable toy. he has the sweetest smile and the most genuine laugh. he has the most expressive eyes and the most kissable cheeks and the most pinchable bum. he's very independent, but loves to be hugged and kissed although he chooses his hugger and kisser.
asyraf is easier than amir now. amir has a lot of emotions and wants to show his feelings, while asyraf is laidback, low key and prefers to observe (well, now at least). bringing him to watch a movie is easy. he watched pirates and fantastic four happily, even following us to have drinks after the movie. he just slept over my shoulders, and the bibiks shoulders when i get tired.
hubby commented that asyraf has a very 'clean' face. muka bersih, muka sejuk...hubby would say. alhamdulillah, lets hope he carries his name well. i dont like people calling him "ash". to me, a name is important, a name is a doa (kan rafiqah...)
asyraf's getting cheekier by the day. he knows how to play now, especially with abang long. every night, after we've done eating and cleaning up, after we've bathed the boys and performed our prayers, we'd just sit on the bed with asyraf and watch amir terrorise the room. asyraf would watch abang long run and jump and hide and throw toys. he loves it when abang long jumps on his mattress and hides from him. he would give out this loud laugh and throws his body forward so that he can see amir hiding.
asyraf has started crawling, although he hasnt mastered it completely. he combines crawling and shuffling. he would be on all fours, throws his top forward to the ground, pulls up his feet and then get back on all fours. that's how he moves around nowadays. he can tawaf the whole of the family room.
asyraf's starting to play with a lot of different toys now. he loves his good night pooh bear i bought for him recently, he loves his teethers, and he seems to give extra attention to amir's truck. i'm thankful that amir is not kedekut with his toys. there are times when he roughly pulls away his toys from asyraf, but he always exchanges with other toys. and its not done spitefully, as in pulling away the toys because he doesnt want asyraf playing with them. when he pulls away a toy, he would always baby munya, ni amir munya. he would substitute a toy with another. amir is not kedekut with his parents either. he doesnt mind asyraf getting extra attention at times. if his parents gave asyraf attention, he would also join in, going asyraffffff. he would wait until asyraf falls asleep before going to daddy for his manja-manja time.
eai #3
a name has been chosen. its easier to choose earlier on so that amir knows what to call, and amir knows baby #2 and baby #3 are 2 different people. i think amir would accept baby#3 as easy as he accepted asyraf, insyaallah...

loooove amir...
loooove ash....
ignoring the "i dont like people calling him "ash"...."
I have few names for the 2nd baby.. Still can't decide which one.
So many names start with A dat i like.. i guess your's also start with A... (smile)
now i know what is EAI stands for...
the third one pun EAI ke..wahhh.....bagosnya
Js, perangai Qistina ada sikit-sikit macam amir.. lately ni, dia suka nyanyi sendiri lagu "twinkle..twinkle little star & Happy Birthday to Qistina" (siap sebut nama sendiri tu hehe :D)
Pastu ayah dia marah betul kalau... dia nangis2 sambil ckp "huhuhu...ayah buat!" I pun selalu ckp kat Qistina...apa yg Ibu & Ayah dah buat?..selalu sangat dia cakap macam tu... mana dia belajar ntah... :D
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