
Friday, October 20, 2006

Week 34

went for the 34th week check up today. usually we would do the check up on saturday but the doctor's clinic will be closed tomorrow for raya. the first thing i told her was that my stomach gets very hard every now and then. it began on wednesday night and carried on until after buka last night. i didnt keep time because i cant feel it soften, i can only notice when it gets hard.

my gynae said it may be contraction and she was a bit worried as i'm not due for another 6 weeks. she did a quick run through check up - blood pressure (normal), baby's position (head down), weight (2.2kg - still), age - (34w 4d), edd (27/11/06), head circumference (ummm...ok i guess, she didnt look alarmed), tummy (didnt know what she looked for...). then told me to do a ctg scan to monitor the contraction.

we went to the special diagnostic room and the nurse laid me down and strapped me to the monitoring machine (all of the sudden, i remembered what it was like in the labour room, giving birth to amir). she asked me to press a button every time i felt a movement. i saw the needle going up and down. after 20-30 minutes, she sent me back to my gynae's clinic with the graph.

the doctor explained it was mild contraction. no specific pattern so its not the actual contraction. it comes every now and then. then she gave me the day off, asked me to monitor and gave me something to help calm it down. but she said, the baby's heartbeat is good and his movement is a lot, so that's a good sign. alhamdulillah...

met hubby's client while waiting for the doctor, he gave us a gift that is extremely useful at this moment. just when i was scared that we're not prepared, at all, for birth - we havent bought a single thing for the baby except clothes - its such a welcome to be given this gift. again...alhamdulillah.

the doctor told me, no travelling, no cooking, no cleaning...just rest for the whole of next week. so i'll be spending the week washing the baby's clothes and transferring abang long's clothes to his own chest of drawers. wow...that got me a bit emotional. my little baby's all grown up :(

1 comment:

eiseais said...

dilla...38 weeks kira ok lah tu :)

i mintak gynae induce at 34 weeks. mengamuk my gynae...hehehe

then when this happened, tiba2 baru sedar. oh shoot...i'm not prepared. so baru lah calm down skit & mintak baby kluar 38 weeks and above.

selamat hari raya to you too.


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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