hubby's been asking me to make stew for weeks, so i decided to make it last night. told my sis about it. then
tiba meniba, she decided to come over and make honey bbq chicken.
then i added "mexican baked eggs" to the menu...
teringin. we havent had that for ages.
i made the stew around 5:30pm. my sisters came just before buka, one of them
puasa 6. i made the baked eggs, and they made the bbq chicken. within an hour, all food were ready to be served.
my with toasted bread, but my sis wanted buns
the honey bbq chicken. hubby loved it...and he doesnt really like chicken
my mexican baked eggs. served it to many of my friends. most of them were sceptical when they first saw it (remember mock?!) tapi its seriously sedapppp...
the half-eaten sister's friends came over to
main mercun. but the guest of honour came down with fever (
kena hujan maybe...) so the
main mercun event was cancelled. they just
pasang-ed pelita around the house instead...

kesian baby mummy...
selamat hari raya
honey bbq chicken tu nampak yummylicious la
*drool* nak resepi bule ?
alaa lazydaisy, i penat2 buat the mexican baked eggs & stew, bbq chicken my sister plak get the drools :(
hehhehe...ok, i'll ask them for the recipe. i think they left it in my kitchen somewhere...
Js, sedapnya honey chicken dgn mexican baked egg tu....
tak pernah rasa la mexican baked egg tu...
boleh share resepi?
alamak apsal nama i keluar as anonymous pulak ni js..
tadi i dah fill in dah column yg di request tu....
aahhh...the mexican baked eggs....of course i remember....
looks can be deceiving....
anonymous??? ahahahaha...i best its mock!!
apsal lak anon jdnye my comment tu? i registered as mock la....
nama i tak kluar, nama "org tu" kluar lak....apahal.....
so very delicious all the food. care to invite neighbour you tak ?
hi akak,
Just started to read your blog.. dah jadik peminat dah.. I like your writing on your kid (not kids yet, sbb baru sampai part akak tgh berari raya).. cute..
By the way, dah sampai satu kat sini yang membuatkan saya ingin bertanya kabar kat akak..
Camne nak buat “mexican baked eggs” akak tuh.. nampak sungguh yummie…
Thanks in advance if akak sudi share recipe akak tuh…
Well, nak continue reading lagik…
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