my last check up was on saturday. went well, not that many people. we only had to wait 1 and a half hours. not long considering we came at 9:30am. we were sort of in a rush as amir had his first dentist appointment at 12pm. my gynae suggested i use the nebuliser when she heard me coughing. i thought i'd have to break my fast because it makes you thirsty and weak, but alhamdulillah, i was not feeling so bad after that. i was shivering a lot but it was still under control.
results of my check up...
weight - 2.2kg ( big!?!?!)
ga- 33 weeks, 3 days (according to size)
position - head down but not engaged
edd - 18 november 2006
blood pressure - normal
next appointment - 20 oct
got a simple scan this time around. i think baby's too big to take 3D, although it was so clear that i would love to see his face again.

this time around tak buat muka ker like last time? don't worry.. epidural kan ade.. hehehe
So this year raya ere or Temerloh?
yup besar mana pun, i'd still opt for epidural. told dr M already.
this year raya here. eh, wats ur add? i'll come over if you're in town. nak ajak u dtg too - depends on if baby aidan's up to the visit. my house is always open
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