we almost achieved that this year, but i was not allowed to over do it so i didnt cook (hence no breakfast as a family), hubby didnt want to pray at the surau in our area & i cant perform the solat with this stomach (hence no sembahyang together), he also wanted to keep his wudhu until he got to the mosque near my parents' house (so no bersalam-salaman before leaving the house), he wanted to rush so that he doesnt miss breakfast and the prayers, so i couldnt mandi at home (so no getting ready together).

we got to my parents' house around 7.45am. my dad was having breakfast. hubby joined him while i fed amir (in between him chasing all 5 cats). hubby, my dad and sister went for prayers. i went off to shower while amir disturbed my sister who was still sleeping. when hubby & the rest got home, we had our 'proper' hari raya breakfast as everyone was finally up and ready.
we had plans to visit a few people yesterday, but we only managed to visit my aunt at kota damansara.

when we came back, there was a lot of people in my dad's house. amir slept as he tired himself out at my aunt's place. plus he was up very late the night before (we went to masjid india as my sis wanted to buy new tudung).

while he slept, we entertained the guests. by the time they left it was already after lunch and my mom made soto (oh yummmmsssss...). around 3pm we went home. wanted to drop by a friend's house in kelana jaya but hubby planned to drive back to his kampung and wanted to arrive before maghrib.

amir and his uncle payii...

sibuk with daddy's songkok...

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