i've been sooo busy at work that i'm so happy its the weekend. saturday was a great day, very eventful.
we postponed my monthly check up to this saturday, from last. had a few reasons - salary
baru masuk, and i was also finally confirmed as permanent staff (was a temp before) so i could get the benefits (
nak GL tu...penting tu...). we went to the hospital quite early, i had my check up (long queue) and amir had to have his 18th month immunisation (even longer queue). got there, put in our cards to get into the queue and went to check the GL. they havent faxed over, so we went for brekkie first. after brekkie went back to credit control, and waited almost an hour for the GL to be faxed. that was already 10am. went to get a blood and urine test. another half an hour.
we finally got to the gynae's clinic. our turn
dah pass, so we had to wait in queue again. luckily it was just 3 people in front of us (still had to wait around half an hour, not counting that idiot who cut queue). finally our turn, it was after 11am - amir's nap time. he's starting to get cranky! spoke to the doctor a bit, she asked the normal questions - nauseasness, comfortable or not, any problems etc. then she did the scan. the first thing the baby did was to wave at us. the doctor, hubby & amir saw...i couldnt see :( baby's spine looks strong, hands and legs all complete, weight looks on course (slightly bigger for his age). all in all, alhamdulillah, he's fine and growing normally. next check up
nak buat 3D. amir kept pointing to the screen. i donno if he understood yet but he knows there's a baby in my tummy. every time i ask him "
where's baby", he would either point to my tummy or pat his tummy. so that's a good sign.
next - amir's jab. he's already being difficult. i guess he's tired from running around for almost 2 hours. the nurse weighed him...still 9 kg!! i thought he's been eating a lot? got in after 4 people. he was quite a good patient. didnt squirm when the cold stethoscope was put on his chest (but he kept pulling up his shirt to see what the doctor was doing). was calm when the doctor shine the light in his ears and nose. he even willingly opened his mouth, which shocked the doctor. got a lecture from the doctor about amir's eating habits. since i'm asthmatic, amir is a bit sensitive to food. if he eats the wrong food, he'd get rashes. so no ikan bilis, no nuggets, no cheezels, no twisties, no burgers for him. then he gave amir his jab. ok...didnt cry. my macho man.
afternoonhubby had a football tournament (
yeah right...tournament konon) so he dropped me off at my aunt's in taman tun. no one was at home except chibee. amir slept in the car, so we put him in my aunt's room for him to continue his sleep. i slept too...managed to get around 2 hours sleep before amir woke me up.
layan him until hubby got back around 5pm. hubby took a shower and prayed and got me my favourite
goreng pisang. half an hour after that, the gang came back. they've been at 1 utama the whole time.
kecoh for a bit, trying to get chibee to wake up, getting amir out of the house and me another shower. we had tickets to the superman show at 6.30pm at the new cineplex. nice place...still very empty. a bit funny that its owned by 'cathay'. we usually associate cathay with local movies. its a nice place, i like it. didnt really like the movie though. it was sooooo long!!
after hundreds of time looking at hubby's watch and whining "
bila nak habis ni...amir buat apa?", the movie finally ended. my feet were swollen, i had to put them up on the seat in front of me (
heh...sorry zura!), dboy was already sleeping, hubby, chibee and zilla were going
spiderman rules, spiderman rules. we debated on where to have dinner. its zilla's last day here before flying off to langkawi for her training. langkawi for 6 months and we're acting like she's going to the north pole for 10 years. decided on fish & co. the girls went off first, while we went to get amir and send dboy home. soon as we got to the house, i started crying (
and i mean crying!!) hubby, chibee and my aunt laughed."
hei takkan tak boleh nak tinggal anak? he's fine with us", my aunt said. i just missed amir so much (
mood swing, what mood swing?) fish & co was closing so we went to chilli's. had a really nice dinner - fajitas, monterey chicken, burger, buffalo wings. yummy! zilla said bye to amir. she's really cool, hardly ever showing emotions but i know she was really sad to leave him. she's been at home the past 2-3 weeks and have been keeping him company most of the time. they're both blur, sometimes they play with each other's hair and have this lost look on their faces. zilla once put a trail of milo balls on the floor to see if amir would follow it...and he did! he's getting used to calling out "laaaaaa..." in the morning, and looking for her. next time they see each other he'll be 2 years old.
was great fun yesterday.
zilla, have fun in langkawi. we'll try to come up to visit you. remember us while playing sudoku.after all that, i'm going to have plenty of rest on sunday.