up til now, he's not a difficult baby. he's pretty on schedule, he needs a bottle every 4 hours - there's good and bad effect to that. i can plan my day based on his schedule. but the bad part is that he only sleep for 4 hours at a time, there goes my sleep.
he's drinking 4oz now. sometimes he would ask for more and can drink up to 6oz at one go. he's put on a bit of weight. during his first month check up, he weighs 4.1kg (up 1.3kg within a month). quite good but you can hardly see it, he still looks thin and scrawny to me.
akmal is strong. a few people have commented he has strong bones. he surprised us by holding his head up while on his stomach. his brothers can only do that after they turned 3 months. his head is still tilted to the right just as it was when he was born.
i've taken his mittens off during the day so that he can exercise his fingers. i still put on his sock, i'm a bit pantang with 'naked' feet.
akmal is starting to use avent teat no2 today. i'm not too confident changing his teat so early as he spits when he drinks. i still dont know what is the cause of this. we first thought it was his tongue, then i noticed his lips doesnt grip the teat properly, maybe that's the reason. whatever it is, its quite annoying. we go through 10 small towels a day, scooping up the milk that flows out of his mouth when he drinks. its worse when we gave him enfalac. now that we've changed to enfalac AR its slightly better. what ever happened to the plain enfalac AR? have the idiots from mead johnson ceased production, are they forcing us to fork out $66 to buy the A+ range when the plain AR had no problems for my boys?
he now sleeps in his playpen at night and in his cot during the day. i'm hoping to get him to sleep in his cot soon. maybe before i start work. its easier because i dont need to sit up when feeding him at night.
akmal doesnt like to sleep in the dark, i noticed this last night. after his night feed at 2:30am, i changed his diapers. he wouldnt sleep immediately so i rocked him for a bit. after an hour, i started getting sleepy. as he was not fussy, not wet and not hungry, i put him back in his playpen, switched off the lights and went off to sleep. not a minute after that he started whimpering and whining. when i switched the lights back on, he stopped. eh...penakut ke?
he sweats quite a bit and i cant wait to shave off his hair. akmal wouldnt look at anyone in the eye. when we look at him, he would look away.
akmal has followed us on a few outings. he's been out to BSC with hubby and me, to the curve with hubby and me and to klcc with me and tizu. not bad for a 5 week old baby. he's well behaved in his car seat and in the stroller, alhamdulillah.
akmal over the past few weeks...

akmal today...
akmal dalam pantang dah boleh minom 6 oz...wow
ila ni baru ada sorang anak lelaki
tu yang tak tahu lelaki ni kuat minom susu..tu yang ibu dia nyer susu tak cokop..terpaksa top-up....
huhuhu.......kira gumuk gak akmal ni kan....fahim masa dua bulan 4.5 kg..tapi bila tiga bulan...baru 4.8 kg..cam no tuuuuu
he is so cute...the latest photo, nampak mcm dah budak besar je the way dia tidur.....
hmmm...i feel like having another baby la pulak ;p
1 ilmu baru nie... Baru tau baby boy kuat meyusu. Kak, Akmal semakin beso semakin hensom ler...
he is so adorable, can't wait to meet him in person. if not because of a meeting, i would have waited for you at klcc the other day
rambut akmal very the sOft gitu...
bravO tO bby akmal..my bOyz kan kak, 3Oz pun tak minum..ngade2 nak melekap..huhuhu..
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