the boys have their sports day this saturday. we're really excited to see asyraf participating for the first time. he's pretty coy about his preparations, we still dont know what he'll be doing. but then...that's asyraf. he's shy about telling people anything related to him. amir on the other hand, explains in detail who he's running with, what he's wearing, who's in what house and all.
they've been practising since last week. this week, they've gone back to the rapid office to practise with the children from their old daycare.

* see my ickle asyraf all bersemangat
next year, ariff will be joining his abang long and abang. i cant wait to see my little mok (or gem as his teacher calls him now) in action. i hope they have an eating competition heh.
next saturday will be akmal's cukur jambul and aqiqah. i need to start preparing the favours. the adult favours need to be tied with ribbons, while the children's favours still need a bit of work. the invitation have been delivered. we're not inviting a lot of people, just family and close friends. food have been ordered, i'm picking up the cuppies on friday. after the ceremony, akmal will finally be 'botak akmal'. i cant wait!
then its the labour day weekend. i plan to keep that weekend free of any activity because that will be my last weekend at home. i cant believe 2 months is almost up. time flies...
kak sally, dah nak masuk 2 bulan pun akmal ya. kejapppppp je masa berlalu.
best nye the boys bersukan. aduh! bila plak dina nak bersukan macam abang long & abang tu ek???
jap je akmal dah 1month.. eheh..mummy awk pon nak abeh pantang dah yek..
huahh..nanti sure mummy rindu ngan budak kurus nih ;) kan kan kan
bersiap sedia untuk kembali bekerja. ehehehe.
yeah... nina back to work.. caya lah..
aha kan, tak sabar nak tgk akmal takde rambut... sure cute..
biler baca pasal amir will tell the peopl ape yag dia buat, itu yang best... he's cool... hehehe..
to all my little A.. jumper nanti ye.. uncle andy takde kelas kot ari tuh.. leh dtg.. *eh, (i'm invited rite? hahha) over tak aku? hahaha...
zura...kejap je kan? dina next year ada kot, kat school amir masuk 2 tahun ada sukan.
zam...waaaa mmg for sure rindu. dah lah dia kurus je :(
faith...kalau opis kita dekat2 boleh lunch sama2 lagi
alaa andy, kita dah dipisahkan oleh5 station lrt. uncle andy...dtg tau sabtu ni. budak2 dah excited tunggu uncle andy ni.
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