akmal's been having on and off flu for a couple of weeks now. we took him to the nearby clinic 2 thursdays ago. gave him piriton and nose drops. it didnt work much. so we went to see his pead. he asked us to take akmal to the a&e for nasal suction, give him nose drops, administer suction at home and monitor him for the next 4-5 days.
when the flu didnt go away, we went back to dsh. this time, one look the doctor said...i think he needs to be admitted. he listened to akmal's lungs, he's already wheezing. hubby and i quickly planned our next couple of days. while he settled akmal into his room, i went back to pack clothes for akmal and me, enough until friday, and for the 3 boys to be left in school until thursday.
akmal had to be given nebuliser 4 hourly and the nurses had to do the nasal suction as often as possible.

akmal after 2 nebuliser & 1 suction...

and after 3 nebuliser, all ready for bed...

the next morning he looked better. i certainly hoped so since he was woken up 3 times over the course of the night to be given the mask.

the doctor made his rounds at 9am and stayed almost half an hour with akmal. he wasnt happy with akmal's development, especially when his oxygen level dropped so low, so akmal was sent to the high dependency unit (hdu). there he will be constantly monitored, nebuliser will be given and the nasal suction will be done more often.

after 24 hours there, he looked better and the doctor gave the all-clear to return to the ward. alhamdulillah. now we just wait to see how long before akmal is discharged.
for now, i'm at home at the peak of my multitasking - doing laundry, airing clothes, another load of laundry and airing, folding clothes hubby washed yesterday, packing extra clothes for akmal and myself, cleaning the kitchen, charging my phone, clearing my inbox, praying, blogging and...watching american idol. all within 2 hours!!
akak... sian nyer akmal.. muka dia mcm bengkak jer kak..get well soon akmal..
kejap je akmal da bambam =)
mOga akmal cepat sembuh..
akmal...get well soon...for you...be patient & strong always
akmal kan a good boy, mesti dia cepat baik.
exactly the same symphtom cam afia got last winter, and she was admitter for 48 hrs at HDU(high dependacy unit)..sian tiny boy ni tau, kecik2 dh warded...auntie pray for yr health yre dahling..muka dh cam moks lah ina..mummy mesti tgh serabut cam gasing buat multi taskign die tuh, sempat lg break for american idol, dlm kalut kena ada theraphy gak kan..hehe..u take care tau ina..
thank u auntie2 semua. hopefully akmal will be back home soon.
hello auntie faz yg baru balik dari krabi hehehe...
zie...tu lah, bila doc ckp je HDU, terus i teringat kat afia and u. anak2 sakit, parents pun 'sakit' kan? lain skit muka akmal kan zie. dah muka big boy skit dah. sigh...i wish i can stay at home with him another month :(
kak js... aah la lain dah muka akmal. dah nampak rupe mcm abg2 die... btw semoga akmal sehat cepat dan sehat selalu.
slm hi k.sally..glad dat u r back... ssh hati toi tgk blog k.sally tak ter'update...eheheheh...dpt tau k.sally stay kat hospital @ pcm.. doakan moga akmal izzat cpt recover... mummy pun dah nak masuk keje kan..dun worry to much ok..itu 4 mats kan ninjaaaa..hehehe...insyaallah cpt sembuh..amin..
bz yek puan akak salina...
kalau anak2 sakit...mesti mommy daddy jadi huru hara kan.....
get well soon akmal
x sampai hati saya tgk akmal... saya ni mudah sgt sedih klu baby kena gini... lega tgk akmal dh ok....
thanks larra...aah lain dah kan. tak tau dia rupa sapa skarang ni. tgh develop rupa sendiri sekarang...
hehehe allo kim :) lepas ni dah masuk kerja sure lagi kurang update. i'm gonna miss my blog :(
very the busy cik adik ila. tapi kat spital dpt lah tido lama skit cos lepas suction je akmal tido 6 jam.
lega skit tini, tapi hidung dia still berbunyi lagi. doc suruh monitor, hopefully tak kena admit balik.
teringat masa alya kena neubiliser & suction tu...nangis daku kak..huhu...tak tahan tgk dia ngis. ngis sue tgk akmal kena buat suction tu...huhu
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