Go to your photos folder in your computer. Go to the 6th folder of photos. Go to the 6th picture in that folder. Put the picture on your blog and a description of it. Invite six friends to join the challenge. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged!
easy peasy...

this is an extremely old picture. seriously old...like 32 years ago.
this girl looks like ariff. even if people say she doesnt, i say she does!!
no lah...she honestly does. just look at those eyes...
lets see who should i tag. who loves photos, or whose photo i love...bulan ka, syerah ka, inda ka, apis ka, ila ka, dot ka, ana kombat ka, ida yg kat jepun ka. ni semua orang yg ada camera powderful...
is this yr 6th photos in yr 6th folder? aisey..gambar i kecik sumer simpan kat malaya..haha.., dlm folder gambar, penuh gambar afia jerk..hehe..time ni so so cute saje, betullah ada sama cam moks, gambar pun cam yellowish dh..ca gambar i time kecik yg i simpan dlm planner..haha, nway,another 4 weeks lg kan ina..maybe earlier dak..good luck eh..!!
kak sally, mmg exactly same mcm sofea...sofea's twin...hehehhehe
yup... macam ariff arrr....
mokmok versi gegirl ahhahahahh ...
zie...mmg dah yellowish pun. tu sebab scan hari tu. sbb sayang tgk gambar lama rosak. u punya sure kat rumah ur mom kan, takkan nak bwk sana. tapi balik nanti u tengok album-album lama, sure sebak je hehehe. thanks for ur wish. nanti i update sini ye :)
phira...tu lah. twins 32 years apart :)
uncle andy...sama kan mcm ayip :)
nolie...anak mummy. mok sama ngan mummy dia :)
u must think u're older than u really are...
32 yrs ago?
how old were u then?
if 3 pun (I think more than 3 tp), thats mean u're 35 now...
so I was right lah, u're almost 40!!
tiza...i got A1 for my maths lah.
32years ago. i was 2...now i'm 34. betul lah wat. i know i was about 2 cos u were in the next picture. so there!! :P
i got u 2 admit ur real age...
thats mean i was rite, u're almost 40!!
i, btw, am still in my 19th yr...
stuck 4ever & ever...
but i did get a 'happy 20th bday' cake last mth...
its ok, i 4give them...
I wasn't tagged by u..i decided to do it anyway :)
sudah jwb ini tag di facebook. blh kan? hehe
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