with 3 menace in the house, there's really no quiet time. my neighbours can vouch the screaming and shouting - and that's from the parents. what dont the boys do? they scream, they cry, they jump, they climb, they slap, the fight, they pinch, they bite, they shout, they push each other, they bang the doors, they throw things down the stairs and out the windows, they kick...
the only peace and quiet we get is when they sleep (if they sleep, that is...)
* asyraf would sleep face down during his early days; while ariff can sleep just about anywhere...

harharhar...so funny tgk gaya ur boys tido. sungguh selamba abg long tertido sambil duduk dgn biskut terlepas dr tgn. dah x bleh thn sgt lah tu. mok mok dgn kuak lentang dia & asyraf dgn menonggeng dia... they r adorable.
comel sungguh! abg long nampak sangat kepenatan. sambil duduk pun leh tetido.. hehehe
Kak... Comel nya....Macam2 gaya ler... Suker sangat tengok telatah mereka bertiga...
i should say this over & over & over again.. suka tgk ur boys!
ehehe..ala2 mcm2 lentok la 3 boys ni..time ni paling best..nak pelok nak ciom.. nak usik2..ehehe
pn salwa...amir tido gitu sbb mummy dia dok sibuk berinternet sampai tak layan dia. dia plak penakut takmo tido sendiri dlm bilik. hahaha...ariff tu mmg, asal tido je tayang tiak.
ana...tu kena buli mummy dia tu
liana...thank u. time2 gini suka ambik gambar diorng sbb 'natural'
afne...tgk dlm gambar ok, tgk kat luar...erkkkk...
zam...skarang ni takmo langsung usik2 diorang time tido. its my only peace and quiet. kalau usik skit confirm diorang jaga...
sally,sukanya i tgk ur boys,mcm sng jer nak tido,tu amir tu,tepi meja ke dinding ke boleh jer dia tertido,ng biskut kt atas lantai,adakah tertido smbil memakan biskut?ya rabbi,comellnya aksi tu
sooo adorable...:-) comelnya cara diaorg tdo. tp tulah, bile dah tdo semua, rasa mcm kesian je, nak-2 kalau lepas marah diaorg kan. tp bile sume bateri dah kena charge, pening kepala dibuatnya;-p
adoi lah pecah perut tgk die org tido ni..lucu nya lah, si amir ni ikut sapa ni, tepi kotak leh tido, tepi dinding tido, cam leh tetiba jer switch off..hahaha..yg tetido dlm high chair lg lucu, si mok tu kan..hahaha...so funny nyer lah, tertonggeng sana, terliuk sini, terkuak sana, ternganga sini..hahaha..u hv these collective of sleep photos yg akan buat die org guling2 pecah perut time die org besar nt bila tgk..haha..leh buat competition sapa tido plg kelakar..ahaks!!
best coz gmbr asyraf paling atas.
tu la, mummy asyik update blog, terus amir tido terduduk.. :-)
pape pun, mmg comel all 3 of them anmd cant wait for the 4th one...
mar...ok lah diorang when it comes to tido. tapi daytime naps more difficult, esp kalau hari panas.
nuriarif...hehehe...jgn kesian kalau marah diorang. sayang lepas tu ok, but jgn kesian :)
zie...ayooo mmg banyak aksi. tapi ye lah...if anak 3 satu aksi je boring lah dah. masa kecik je they all do this and we can capture the moment kan. masa besar nanti, sure tido kunci pintu tak kasik daddy mummy masuk.
uncle andy tu memang...sama ngan uncle nas. asyik asyraf je :) kita sama2 tunggu no4 kay andy...
last pix tu mcm pernah nampak je...tp di mana ya?
everytime gi smayang upstair kena bring him along, hence the mess n sleep at the sejadah...
his fevret thing 2 do while waiting 4 me to pray was 2 sit in his box n pretend it was his car....or push it so his car bergerak...
whoever says diaorg senang nak tidur dont know them as the suke-lawan-tidur boys...hahaha...
tgk ariff tertido kat highchair sebijik mcm danish dulu kdg2 tgh dok suap2 makan kalau dia dah lali ngantuk terus lena aje kat highchair tgh2 makan tuh..ish..hehehe..
alahai kak... suke tgk aksi 3 boys nih lena.. memcm gaya... ada gak gaya si mujahid tu (tertonggeng)
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