housechores,laundry,memasak,anak2,husband,career,own blog and 3 junior blogs(yg sikit masa lg akan bertambah jadi 4),how u do it sally,how?how?u must teach me on this,or publish satu buku 'time management for dummies/mommies'i 1st customer beli huhu
aisha...penat gak nak ingat2 balik developments diorg. tu lah, sbb tak slalu update kan. amir buat, ingat asyraf buat. asyraf buat ingat ariff buat...ish
mar...hahaha...i mana de buat housechores and memasak. anak2 plak is under the care of my hubby. so that just leave laundry, and the 4 blogs. sure got time one...hehehe. career? erk...what career hahaha. plus, skarang kan i goyang kaki di rumah :)
mesti time u update ni u tgh hv lots of time at bagus gak writing a blog for them ni, its like you jotting down all of their dev.they thanked you one day..;)its all worth! dont forget to buzz me kalu u dah selamat bersalin :)
the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
A home-maker, wife of a footie nut and mummy of four active boys and a baby girl with very different personalities. Loves travelling, shopping, good food and Manchester United. Spends hours doing (and redoing) lists. Loves order...hates chaos.
hehehe..yeay...dah update!!kuar no 4 mesti akak terabur jadik nyer.. kena update suma kak.. baru fair and square.
housechores,laundry,memasak,anak2,husband,career,own blog and 3 junior blogs(yg sikit masa lg akan bertambah jadi 4),how u do it sally,how?how?u must teach me on this,or publish satu buku 'time management for dummies/mommies'i 1st customer beli huhu
aisha...penat gak nak ingat2 balik developments diorg. tu lah, sbb tak slalu update kan. amir buat, ingat asyraf buat. asyraf buat ingat ariff buat...ish
mar...hahaha...i mana de buat housechores and memasak. anak2 plak is under the care of my hubby. so that just leave laundry, and the 4 blogs. sure got time one...hehehe. career? erk...what career hahaha. plus, skarang kan i goyang kaki di rumah :)
Ingat kan dah meletop? I will pray that eiseai#4 will come out on Monday :)
Take care salina! Insya Allah it will be a smooth journey for u
mesti time u update ni u tgh hv lots of time at bagus gak writing a blog for them ni, its like you jotting down all of their dev.they thanked you one day..;)its all worth! dont forget to buzz me kalu u dah selamat bersalin :)
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