there's still some effects left. hubby cant remember bits and pieces of what happened on that day. while i still harbour feelings of hurt and anger - i've released most of the feelings. i felt the same when i was pregnant with asyraf (a lot of hurt and anger within me) and i dont want to have the same feelings during my pregnancy this time.
thanks to all who left the well wishes and comments. to 'visitor', taking a maid at this juncture is not something we would do. we're comfortable with just us in the house and not about to let strangers in. the solution actually is not in my hands and there's nothing i can do about it. about hubby being sick - well, we know he's not well since forever. i knew i married someone with his condition and we took a lot of steps to ensure he wouldnt get his episodes - it worked for almost 6 years. eti - thanks. yes...we do have help with housework. i dont do any housework except for laundry and weekend cooking. the rest, we have someone who comes in to help. the daycare is also a great big help with the boys. if we need a break, we just get ask to take care of the boys. the boys are more comfortable with their cikgus then they would ever be with a helper.
moving on...preparation for ariff's birthday is almost complete. confirmed the time the caterer and canopy will be here. balloons are being blown by tiza's army. animals will be over tomorrow (not that many - mini zoo tak jadik), first part of the favours are done, second part i'll be doing today, the cake will be ready at 11am tomorrow, extra food is ready to be picked up from kota damansara, the others will be on the stove tomorrow morning. photographers (i'll be having three of them...thank you, apis) will be over late tomorrow morning shooting the preparation and then the party. we've also been getting presents, thanks to those who gave even though they cant make it. it wont be so big, i know, as most people are still on menziarah mood but its ok, its big enough for us. amir's over the moon...he's been singing happy birthday ariff for days.
speaking of the birthday boy, he walked yesterday. bless him. so fat and lazy this boy. but he waddled from one end to another last night. we thank the teachers at school - they've been encouraging him to walk for weeks. ariff had his mmr jab today. no tears, no whiper, just a smile from him to dr azizi. my gynae says ariff looks like me and then threw in 'macam tok dia pun ada' aisehhh...

had my week 17 check up today. everything is going well. baby's developing on schedule. i've not been putting on weight. surprising, since i had 2 roti canai for breakfast. the baby was moving about a lot during the scan. we saw every angle...the best one was from the bottom, where we saw 'something' between his 2 legs. alhamdulillah. amir's been saying the baby's name, it sounds wonderful when he says it, so its confirmed - that's baby eai#4.

jangan emo yer sally..kang asyraf jr kuor kang..ehhehe ..sendiri mau ingat haaa heheheh ...even doctor tuh pun noticed ariff memang sebijik sebijon atok dier kan kan kan ehhe
Am sure ariff will have a good celebration since mummy is good in organising...hang in there sally, my prayers are with u...
baca post ni, terasa teringin nak makan roti canai pulak. hehe.. tp, hubby dlm pantang. kesian pulak dia.. huhu
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