party info -
date / day: 18 october 2007 / saturday
time: 3pm - pm
venue: ariff's home
guests: family members, daddy's friends from work & ex colleagues, mummy's friends from work & the cyber world
theme: animals (i actually dont want a theme that guests would have to follow, my theme is just for preparation of the party, gifts, deco and cake)
invitation - personalised invite. printed a few to be distributed during hari raya.

favour - cookie-filled cups. uncoloured paper bags with colour pencils, mini camera, mini puzzle, stickers, balloons, glasses and hats. all to suit the theme.

cake (thank you to syerah for the pix)

the zoo - we had rabbits and monkey.

the after-party. these are the only pictures we took. the rest we have to wait for mr apis.

the presents. we love all the gifts given by the guests, clothes, thomas ( do you guys know we like thomas wink wink), football, elmo, books, puzzles...everything. thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all who came and made this party so wonderful.

note of thanks
hubby - slept for days before the event so that he could recover. spent satuday morning running around getting the cake and spaghetti sauce and ice. set up tables because the caterer was darn slow. monitored the canopy on friday. put up balloons on saturday.
amir - my wonderful helper. give out the favours to guests.
asyraf - my runner...literally. he ran everywhere. my water boy...he changed clothes 3 times because of was busy playing with water. ate on his own, sat quietly in front of the door on the floor eating sauce-less spaghetti.
ariff - the perfect birthday boy. sat happily in his exersaucer. smiled for the camera when asked. drank his milk on his own.
tiza & tisu - brought the animals over. prepared the mini zoo. brought down the favour bags. helped look after the boys, especially when hubby and i slept 'tak sedar diri'. roped in help to blow the balloons and clean up after the party.
auntie emi - prepared the spaghetti sauce.
hafiz and gang - my excellent photographers. i had 3 on that day...jangan marah. thanks for coming early. thanks for clearing the empty cans, saiful :) boss, mana gambar?
andy & fadz - for babysitting while hubby and i cleaned up. asyraf is a handful huh? penat uncle andy layan dia...
to all who help, to all our guests, to all who came from near and far, to everyone involved - thank you, thank you, thank you.
date / day: 18 october 2007 / saturday
time: 3pm - pm
venue: ariff's home
guests: family members, daddy's friends from work & ex colleagues, mummy's friends from work & the cyber world
theme: animals (i actually dont want a theme that guests would have to follow, my theme is just for preparation of the party, gifts, deco and cake)
invitation - personalised invite. printed a few to be distributed during hari raya.

favour - cookie-filled cups. uncoloured paper bags with colour pencils, mini camera, mini puzzle, stickers, balloons, glasses and hats. all to suit the theme.
cake (thank you to syerah for the pix)

the zoo - we had rabbits and monkey.

the after-party. these are the only pictures we took. the rest we have to wait for mr apis.

the presents. we love all the gifts given by the guests, clothes, thomas ( do you guys know we like thomas wink wink), football, elmo, books, puzzles...everything. thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all who came and made this party so wonderful.

note of thanks
hubby - slept for days before the event so that he could recover. spent satuday morning running around getting the cake and spaghetti sauce and ice. set up tables because the caterer was darn slow. monitored the canopy on friday. put up balloons on saturday.
amir - my wonderful helper. give out the favours to guests.
asyraf - my runner...literally. he ran everywhere. my water boy...he changed clothes 3 times because of was busy playing with water. ate on his own, sat quietly in front of the door on the floor eating sauce-less spaghetti.
ariff - the perfect birthday boy. sat happily in his exersaucer. smiled for the camera when asked. drank his milk on his own.
tiza & tisu - brought the animals over. prepared the mini zoo. brought down the favour bags. helped look after the boys, especially when hubby and i slept 'tak sedar diri'. roped in help to blow the balloons and clean up after the party.
auntie emi - prepared the spaghetti sauce.
hafiz and gang - my excellent photographers. i had 3 on that day...jangan marah. thanks for coming early. thanks for clearing the empty cans, saiful :) boss, mana gambar?
andy & fadz - for babysitting while hubby and i cleaned up. asyraf is a handful huh? penat uncle andy layan dia...
to all who help, to all our guests, to all who came from near and far, to everyone involved - thank you, thank you, thank you.
lovely bday party, me pun buat safari theme masa bday my son.. but urs lagi menarik.. hehe..
u bought the decos, cups, bday stuff tu online eh sally?
thanks for inviting us sally,it was a great and nice party;the host,the food,the deco,the kids(bday boy mmg pojaan hati lah,senyummm jer),the animals (irina tak abis2 bercerita psl monkey,mahu makan bulan baru habis ulangan cerita dia ni)everything ok lah!
Now i'm so believe dat to 'do and re do the list' is the keyword to perfection!congrats!
well prepared party huh!..sori once again tk dpt dtg...arif nk jd abg dah yee...take care dear!
Nina, great party... Nice decor..Great theme! great food esp murtabak.
Aidan pun tak nak balik coz he wants the monkey.. huhu!! he merajuk coz he didn't want to go back.
Aidan really likes the camera.
let me comment pulak yee..
sally, best giler.. happy dapat main ngan Amir, Asyraff and the luvly bday boy, ariff...
even dtg lambat (around 545pm, abis event pkl 6 kan??), i was really enjoy that day...
giler ar nak jaga asyraff tapi enjoy biler main ngan diorang berdua.. amir pun dah sporting skit...
k, cant wait for the next event...
thanks mrs hafiz. takde lah menarik mana...simple makan2 je. yup...semua beli online.
mar...thanks for coming. ingat u tak datang dah. sorry amir panggil irina kasar sangat...heiii, he said kan? hahahha...he takes his job very seriously. mar...mana gambar u tangkap tu? heheheh...
gee...takpe. thanks :)
dott...i tak merasa any food pun. i only ate the nuggets. itupun at 10pm! alhamdulillah, the camera was a hit. terkejut gak orang suka. thanks again for coming. i tengok Mr H seronok je :)
andy...thank u, thank u. sempat i kemas mengemas rumah. sorry lah andy kena duduk kat rumah bersepah. so...nak ke ambik asyraf for the day. gi sunway lagoon...hahahha. eh, andy sihat ke?
Happy Birthday Ariff sayang...
Sangat unhappy x dpt join the lovely birthday party...:(
sangat teratur dan kemas, preparation yg mummy ariff buat tu..
auntie erin suka...
apa2 pun...i'm so happy for the successful b'day party... :)
eh, leh aje.. jom ambik cuti... kiter semua g lagoon and wat baby shower for u & zu.. (eh, baby shower should be surprize kan?? hahaha)...
leh ajer... i leh jaga amir & asyraff.. eh, best lak kan.. hahahaha...
happy belated birthday Ariff! Sorry to hear about your hubby dear.. It's not easy when our partner is sick . But u are one strong lady. Bersabar k dgn dugaan Allah ni..
U, u, dah lamanye i tak visit your blog..
1stly, I'm sorry I cldn't make it to ariff's party. Looks like fun, esp the cookie cup and goodie bag..kat mana u dpt? And the animal lagi..gempak! Too bad I tak dpt nk dtg.
2ndly, Happy Belated Birthday, dear Ariff!
3rdly, u preggy ke? Wow! Bestnye...
tak dpt pi, aku baca je la..
erin...thanks for the nice words. takpe...lain kali ada lagi :)
uncle andy...orait set! sunway lagoon eh? tak yah ambik cuti. mummy ariff ambik MC je ;)
emly...thanks. hubby has all recovered. he just needed rest and sleep. by thursday/friday he was all well and able to help out with the preparation.
rafiqah...mana u menghilang? 1st ly, tu lah, we missed u at the party. sure ashraff and aliff suka. i tunggu u reply my mail pasal invitation. 2ndly, thanks for the birthday wish. 3rdly, thank u...dah masuk 2nd trimester dah ni :)
azrul izwan (yg tak jadik ku namakan anakku no 4 sempena nama mu) haaa sapa suh tak mai???
hi there, care to share the name of the online store? Really nice theme you have there
birthday boy dah tido ke masa sesi bukak hadiah? :D
meriahnyer party kak sally .. first time kita tak dpt hadir kan ... disebabkan wed my sister .. tgk ramai2 mommies2 online & pcm dtg ... u've done a good job ... heppy bestday ariff ;-)
meriahnya besday nih...mesti anak hepi sgt kan parents dia buat celebration camni
time flies so fast. Ariff dah setahun??? anyway, happy birthday Ariff yg mok mok
makcik, u dpt ke tak e-mail I nie? tak pernah balas pon :( dtg blog I lah ok? :)
Kak sally....
beshnya bisday ariff kali ni...
mcm2 ada... tapi kali ni kita tk dpt invitation....huhuhu...
Nway...suka decoration dia...mana lagi gambar2 yg lain...nk tgk
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ARIFF!! Auntie was just wondering mana lah gambar betday boy atas exersaucer die? mummy nie mesti peram gambar ariff dlm digi cam or pc die..hehe..anyway yr first birthday was indeed a blastkan..ada monkey and wabbit..wuyoo..amir and syraff yg duk pulun bukak pressie bro ariff..haha..sure die org yg over excited's a big kiss from to the betday boy..MUAHHHHHHHH!
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