turning one is a big event for a baby, sometimes even more so for the parents. i was majorly excited when amir and asyraf turned one. but to see ariff turning one, i'm not sure whether i'm happy or sad. happy...happy because it is a big milestone; to see his developments and to see what he can do. sad because...he's been such an easy baby, a joy to look after that part of me dont want to see him become a toddler.
in ariff, i see myself. not in terms of looks (although some say he's a mini me) and personality (we are as different as the sun and moon) but i just see me when i look at him. may its because he's such a quiet baby, he would just lie down and respond when we talk to him, that its easy to look into his eyes. for asyraf, he would just be crying that his eyes were never visible.
ariff seldom fall sick, which is an extra blessing as i dont know how we would handle 2 screaming babies. of course when ariff do fall sick, its a different story altogether. alhamdulillah it doesnt happen that often and its not the 'asyraf' level just yet.
true to his name, ariff is astonishingly smart. he knows to differentiate daddy and mummy, and would call out "daaa..." whenever hubby passes by and "mamamama..." whenever he sees me. he's slowly calling "baaaa..." to asyraf as well. during raya he also called out "tok..." to tssc. he knows to say "naaaa" (minus the k) when he wants a cookie. feeding him rice is a joy because he would eat till there's nothing left in the bowl, with each spoon, he would say "aummmm..."
ariff loves making people laugh. when he realises something he does makes someone laugh, he would repeat it again and again. he also loves to laugh. ariff has the bubbliest laugh and when he laughs out loud, his sepet eyes become almost invincible. he enjoys communicating and laughing with amir.
in ariff, i see myself. not in terms of looks (although some say he's a mini me) and personality (we are as different as the sun and moon) but i just see me when i look at him. may its because he's such a quiet baby, he would just lie down and respond when we talk to him, that its easy to look into his eyes. for asyraf, he would just be crying that his eyes were never visible.
ariff seldom fall sick, which is an extra blessing as i dont know how we would handle 2 screaming babies. of course when ariff do fall sick, its a different story altogether. alhamdulillah it doesnt happen that often and its not the 'asyraf' level just yet.
true to his name, ariff is astonishingly smart. he knows to differentiate daddy and mummy, and would call out "daaa..." whenever hubby passes by and "mamamama..." whenever he sees me. he's slowly calling "baaaa..." to asyraf as well. during raya he also called out "tok..." to tssc. he knows to say "naaaa" (minus the k) when he wants a cookie. feeding him rice is a joy because he would eat till there's nothing left in the bowl, with each spoon, he would say "aummmm..."
ariff loves making people laugh. when he realises something he does makes someone laugh, he would repeat it again and again. he also loves to laugh. ariff has the bubbliest laugh and when he laughs out loud, his sepet eyes become almost invincible. he enjoys communicating and laughing with amir.
ariff doesnt drink much milk - kind of like amir. i've never seen him finish more than 6oz at one time. he only drinks 3 times a day, 4 at most although that is very rare. he was that way since he was born. he slept through the night on his first day, giving me the opportunity to get enough rest. he then slept throughout the second day and hubby was able to run errands while, again, i recuperated. he's even slept through his bathtime on many occasions. he doesnt need night feeding for as long as i can remember.
now that he's almost one, we're just waiting for him to take his first step. he's done a lot of things before schedule - eating, sitting up, rolling over, crawl, stand - but when it comes to walking, he's not as fast. we noticed he's a bit lazy...he loves it when people walk with him, holding his hand, but he would quickly go back down on all fours when we let go. scared...no he's not...he's just lazy. sigh...
putting aside that small matter, he's wonderful (i know all mothers would say that about their children) but he just is. he's a God-send, a treasure. he's my little busuk hitam gomok.

now that he's almost one, we're just waiting for him to take his first step. he's done a lot of things before schedule - eating, sitting up, rolling over, crawl, stand - but when it comes to walking, he's not as fast. we noticed he's a bit lazy...he loves it when people walk with him, holding his hand, but he would quickly go back down on all fours when we let go. scared...no he's not...he's just lazy. sigh...
putting aside that small matter, he's wonderful (i know all mothers would say that about their children) but he just is. he's a God-send, a treasure. he's my little busuk hitam gomok.

How time flies...
Happy birthday Ariff, can I add one thing from your list sally, he is so photogenic, all his photos looks so wondeful and adorable...
Happy 1st Birthday Ariff!
You are so cute and you behave wonderfully when you are at aunty's house, you are so friendly and you know how to make others laugh.
i like you because you do your own thing and not clingy to your mommy like Adnan clingy to his mommy huhuuh
Nina , betul laa he is the mini-you.
Happy Birthda, Ariff. He shares the same birthday as my boy.
Happy 1st Birthday Ariff cutie!sally,i must admit dat he's such an adorable baby, i suka tgk dia masa kt rumah dotty,even ariff tak sihat sgt masa tu tp dia tak cranky pun,senyum jer bila u agah dia,comel comel..tp anak u semua mmg behave lah sally,duduk diam2 jer main toys,irina dah siap berguling2 buat perangai nak blk,gerammm jer i masa tuh
thanks nae :)
normal...photogenic eh? hehehe...tak sedar pun. he just keeps quiet most of the time that its easy to take his photos...
dott...itu cos it was a foreign environment. if at home, he's the hero pushing everyone away :) clingy...thank god he's not cos being clingy is asyraf's job...haha
hey julie...happy birthday to your son!!
mar...anak i well-behaved? omigod...betul ke anak i yg u nampak tu?? hahahha...ngapa kat rumah org diorg ni behave tapi kat rumah sendiri, asyik kena rotan je...waaaa...
first of all....
Happy birthday to mummy Amir, Asyraff & the one Ariff... semoga panjang umur, sentiasa cute and notty...
2nd, my ariff bum bum... nanti uncle dtg yek.. suruh mummy ariff masak sedap sedap... nanti kiter g tgk movie "eagle eye" sama sama k..
eee.... ariff dah beso.. bum bum bum, bunyi mercun..
happy belated birthday to mummy ariff and happy future birthday to my only ariff...
Happy Birthday Dear Ariff....
cepat2 besar ye sayang....
bilalah auntie erin bleh jumpa Ariff ni?
uncle anonymous...mummy ariff tak masak lah, mummy ariff tak terrer. nak bawak ariff gi tengok wayang ke? aalaaa bawak lah asyraf :)
erin...kalau dtg rumah saturday ni, boleh jumpa ariff :)
saper yang tak kuat nangis, leh uncle bawak g movie... eh, jom g lagoon nak tak? ariff, leh kiter terjon sama-sama,.. sure sronok... nanti ariff ajak abg amir & abg asyraff k... tapi be a good son k, pape, mintak permission with daddy and mummny k.. jgn notty, kalu mummy & daddy bagi, baru uncle bawak g lagoon k.. :-)
p/s: la, mummy ariff tak masak?? cam ner nak dtyg nih???
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BABY ARIFF..wah dah turn one, in no time would be a gent..hehe..nangis mummy tau, kut2 kena kebas kat anak dara org dah anak bujang die nie..i dok gelak giler lah baca entry u pasal anak2 saya yg u tulis tu, betul sememangnya yr eldest mmg sungguh cheeky muka die..ina i saw yr tag pics depan tu kan, ada gambar u yg sungguh slim sekali tau..taun 2004 ngan hubby u..comei lote lah ina..eh u kena aim jd comei lote gitu ah..hehe..so hows yr pregnancy going :)
happy bday ariff,
such a cutie, bam-bam, demok..
i know how u feel :)
such an easy baby huh..
jika sempat runner ke sna..kami akan smpi..jika sebaliknye..antie gee mintak maaf ye my dear ariff..hope ur party will be happening!..
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