i also had my 2-weekly check up today. it was supposed to be tomorrow but i just realised that tommorow's the first day of ramadhan, so i brought it forward to today.
my check up went ok, she gave me 3 days off work since i was coughing badly and had a seriously bad flu. she was also worried since i havent been putting on weight and i've been very weak and shaky the past couple of days. i told the gynae that the baby's movement have been pretty limited especially since i wasnt too well since the boys were admitted. she said its quite normal since the baby's big now...2.4kg. i asked her for a possibility of me being induced as i'm just so tired carrying this stomach around. i also wanted to go on leave the last week of september onwards. she was pretty ok with the idea since she said its just a matter of 2-3 weeks before i give birth by the looks of it, so yeay. but the bad side is, staying at home puts a dent on my fasting. i just cant fast when i'm at home...i'll be a "clock watcher" and will be all lembik and cant get anything done. not that i dont want to fast, but i think i should be realistic and accept the fact that i cant fast and run my errands at the same time.
anyway, the thought of the baby coming soon makes me wonder, how will he look like? from the scans, he looks more like amir than asyraf (even though the 2 of them already look alike). amir looked like me when he was younger. now that he's bigger, he's the exact copy of hubby. asyraf, too looked like me when he was a baby. now he looks like...well, himself. we cant tell who he looks now - he looks neither like me or hubby.


Oh the boys look alike masa baby!but bila dah besar they look different,and amir mmg carboncopy of yr hubby-sally(can i call u by this name?),hope u get enough rest mc 3hari ni,and bout fasting,if u confident u larat then ok, but if memudaratkan u n baby,diharuskan tidak berpuasa,it's ok u pun lg one mth nak due,mmg tgh sarat, somemore with 2 active boys to handle,fuhh i know it tough..semoga dipermudahkan segala nya utk u n family,selamat menyambut ramadhan k
Ish bila nak keluar ni. Bulat sangat dah perut tu. Hehehehe.
Hope you are feeling better, tulah, tak reti duduk diam...ke hulu ke hilir kat opis. Relax yer sis and take good care of yourself!
amir & asyraf...
untung betul dapat mommy yang penuh tenaga ni... memang mommy you all nih sumber inspirasi auntie cujie... kuat semangat!!!
sama le rupa2 mereka yek..hehehhehehe
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