good thing is it was sunny throughout the whole weekend. i managed to do loads of laundry - our bedsheet, towels, our working clothes, 2 loads of the baby's clothes (i've got just another load of his mittens and booties to sort out) and the boys clothes. i am just shocked at how much clothes the boys have right now, and this is during asyraf's non-throwing up sessions. imagine how much i would have to do when he throws up.
after hubby came back from work on saturday, we all slept for 2 hours in amir's room. his room is cooler compared to ours which gets the morning sunlight. after asar, we went to wash the car, patch one of the tyres, cut the boys' hair (asyraf look soooo nice now) and had dinner. i actually wanted to make my daging goreng kunyit from last week but hubby wanted to have an early dinner.
we bathed the boys early and lepak-ed in amir's room until almost bedtime. by this time asyraf seems better and was no longer throwing up. his stools are still loose though, which confuses us. what is actually wrong with him? why is he sick all the time?
on sunday, i made my all-time favourite breakfast of scramble eggs, fried onions and tomatoes. then hubby had a craving for baked pasta. weird since he's a totally anti-pasta person. i made enough for lunch, dinner and even tomorrow's breakfast.
for me, sunday was a totally laundry day. hubby went round the house cleaning here and there, the boys car seats, our bathroom sink, ironed his company shirt for tomorrow.
the boys were great this weekend. both slept when we told them to (more of cos we wanted to sleep) and they were angels, except for asyraf who is at his clingy stage. my hips hurt from carrying him all the time - and the bad (great, if i'm not in this condition) part is that he prefers to be carried by me than hubby. asyraf ni...
pre-hair cut...
post-hair cut...
what to do if your child wont stop talking...
yeay!the 2 boys dah baik,i think psl stool tu,my niece dulu pun mcmtu masa dia kena diarhoea,after discharged frm hospital,dia tak muntah2 dah but still stool tu mcm cair,it will stop gradually,dont worry mommy-i like the way u decorate the boy's room,simple but cantik-this is bedroom or playroom?it's a good idea to put a tv there,so they have their own territory to play and watch fav cartoon,tak kacau mommy n daddy dah hihi
kak sally..
sy nak tnya the blue curtain tu tempah ke beli siap?if tempah, brapa?if beli siap kat mana?cantik laaa
i heard that there's rotavirus outbreak going around at the moment which causes diarhoea and vomiting among children, my girl pun kena tp alhamdulillah she's getting better, hope your sons get well soon
mommamia...sedih betul tengok asyraf. everytime he doo doo, sure basah the whole pants and then he's so uncomfortable. plus his bum is all red. this wed ada follow up check up, so i hope to get a good idea of what's actually wrong with him curtain tu tempah dgn my mom. dulu dia ada soft furnishing shop but skarang dah tutup. tu leftovers of the kain she had.
ain...memang lots of kids got admitted last week cos of this. it also spreads, which is something we didnt know until the pead advised us accordingly.
what to do with non-stop talking kid - just smile. and once in a while, record them and then replay ... fun gilerrr
kak,dania n nadzim pun penah mcm ni.masa tu ayah dia away 10 days to saya syak sbb mknn,nenek dia kasik mkn bubur+telo masin.maybe lah..3-4 hari jugak throw up+doodoo cair.doc kasik antibiotik.lps tu ok.once ayah dia balik at 6th day everything stop..bengang je coz report kt dia mcm big problem sgt n bile dia balik cant prove it.
alahai mainan amir n asyraf bestnyer .. seronok tgk dorg berdua n bermain ... nmpk happy jer ... ksk js n family diana doakan cpt sembuh okies ...
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