because the 9 months was so wonderful, i couldnt wait to be a mummy for the 2nd time around. we thought it would be as easy as the first one. we were even confident that we'd get another before the year was over, thus having 2 babies in one year - amir was born early january. but i guess we can only dream and plan. it is not up to us...Allah has his own plans for us. it was difficult, a very stressful year. but we persevered, we prayed, and finally, our wishes came true. we went to the nearby clinic to check. the doctor said it was positive. i asked for a large supply of folic acid. we thought we could postpone our monthly visit to the doctor's clinic until i was in my 2nd or 3rd month. but then, i didnt feel comfortable. what if something's not right? so i mulled it over, spoke to hubby about it and we decided to see the doctor as soon as we can. the moment i stepped into her office, the doctor laughed. (note - i was just in her office 2 months ago, to ask if there was anything wrong with me as we've been trying for a year.) she said..."i guess you followed my advice."
after a bit of info digging - last LMP, current weight, how i'm feeling at the moment etc, she asked me to lie down on the bed. ok...scary moment...which ultrasound is she going to use?? ahhh...thank god...she's using the 'normal' one, not the 'painful' one. as soon as she put the ultrasound on my tummy, she cried..."ah, there is it!! there's the uterus & there's your little one." i looked at hubby (who was smiling) then looked at amir (who was struggling to get down).
i've been doing some thinking after i found out the big news. i now know why it happen, when it happened. i know...and i accept it. Allah knows more, Allah knows what is good for me, what is good for my family. i accept and i thank Him for all that he's given me, for giving me strength when i thought i couldnt go through another dissapointment, for giving me the courage to try again.
hubby wont be happy that i entered this into my blog. we planned to keep it under wraps for a while, but i guess good news are meant to be shared. if something happens along the way, nauzubillah, i will accept it just as i have accepted the long and stressful journey that ended in this beautiful miracle. insyaallah, with prayers, everything will be fine.
p/s my friend with the six sense...you were right after all!! now tell me if its a boy or a girl!
Yes - that's me!!! the 'friend' with six sense... eerrmmm... to early to say if it's gonna be a boy or a girl... i need to do some 'research' first... and that has to be between you and me only...
Congrats dear. Sooo happy for you :)
omigod !!!!!!!!!congratulation!!!! lets go celebrate somewhere. err...luckily i didn't drag u to the aerobic ctr
eee congrats!!!! Look like it you too gonna be mommy to baby 2006!
Hmm how's dr. Maziah? Hehehe When is your next appointment.. leh kita meet up.. :-D
anon - heeee...will update u as i go along so that u can decide if its a girl or a boy ok?
trueblue - thanks. we should meet up if i'm in klcc (kat mothercare obviously).
nae - jom celebrate. i wanna join lah aerobic centre tu. hubby said i gotta look after my weight betul2 this time
hotmama - yeah, our kids will masuk school same year huh? dr maziah's great. hv u tried her 3D scan? its great, we saw amir's nice arms last time. so cute. my next appt is 27 may. unfortunately hv to go on a saturday cos hubby don wan to take time off. u can cam me by these words..."amir, NO!!" hehehhe...
I nak buat the 3D scan, but Dr. M told me too early. May be 2 months more kot... My appt on 4/5. Hubby refuse to go on Sat, coz ramai sgt org.. Kalau u nak cam i, i'll be saying to hubby " B, tak nak masuk ker jumpa Doc?" Hahhahaa!!!
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