did i say i had no craving when i'm pregnant? well...i lied. i do have cravings. and i crave (so badly) for pasta!! i could eat dozens of bowls of pasta. its so yummylicious. the sour-er it is, the better. i don really crave for the creamy-based (i love it...but not so often & cant eat so much, muak lah). but the tomato-based...omigod...yummsss!!

so this is my lunch for today. bought the pasta sauce in the bottle & just heat it up with some spaghetti. added some florets of brocolli. i do so love brocollis and its good for the baby.
on another delicious note...my little teddy bear, who has been out with food poisoning & diarrhoea is finally up and about today. we were ready to admit him to the hospital cos he has been losing a lot of water. but alhamdulillahh he's fine now.

my third delicious news - tonight is grey's anatomy night. i love this show...so cool!
Ala ciannya Amir kena food poisoning.. Takkan kena food poisoning pasal mee kari tuu kot? Hehehe just kidding..jgn stress!Ahakss
Anyway that brocoli looked so delicious.. Hmm i nie pantang tgk food org, nak laa ni..
Y Amir termenung tuu??
amir kena food poisoning cos daddy dia kasik full cream milk yg tak elok. so bukan amir je kena food poisoning, daddy dia pun kena. nasib baik there's a supermummy in the house.
amir termenung tgk 'friend' dia jalan kat luar. dia pantang nampak small children, musti jerit2 kat window. hope that's a sign that he'll be ok with his adik.
laa maknanya u kena jaga 2 baby boy, satu kecik satu besar..hehehe
Btw tukar topic, nowadays dah ramai parents sunatkan baby boy after few months of birth. Amir pun camtu ker?
tu lah...donno what will happen if i yang get sick.
hot mama, nasib baik u are aware of the sunat thing. i didnt know about baby boys being sunat-ed right after birth so when dr M mentioned it to us lepas i gave birth, hubby and i froze and terkejut and told her no. then the pead pulak suggested. we still said no cos tak prepared (mentally). but now i realise its better, i asked a lot of my friends about ni. most of my friends kat UK & US sunat immediately. they say no biggie and easy to jaga. so we regret betul2. we plan to sunat amir before he hit 2 years old. and if this one is a boy, we wanna do it immediately.
Eiseai, my hubby tak setuju if its a boy buat immediately..dia nak buat style mcm dulu dulu ade majlis doa-doa..Hahhaa!!! Then i asked him "when" dia cakap ala before dia balighlaa (b4 12 years old).. Pulak!
my hubby pun mcm tu dulu, but i convinced him after i asked around. ramai buat immediately. lagipun i'm not really a majlis person. amir's cukup jambul pun simple gila. so kalau boleh avoid yet another ceremony, even the better. but there's still a lot of ppl yg tak suka this sunat immediately thingy. ur hubby one of them lah agaknya
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