before i did my UPT to see whether i was pregnant, hubby had strange cravings to eat mee kari. he didnt let me know about it because his friends had been teasing him that he must be expecting a baby with that kind of craving. that week we were waiting for the news, so hubby did not want to get me all excited with the story of his cravings and his friends' teasings, just in case we were not expecting after all. to make a long story short, he did get his mee kari (at the expense of not eating lunch with his friends - the mee kari place is a bit further from his office and he went alone) and
we are expecting.
when we went to do our weekly grocery shopping last tuesday, i asked hubby if he felt like eating anything special, like chicken rice (my chicken rice is quite yummy), or nasi minyak (also surprisingly yummy), or soto ayam, or sirloin steak. he chose mee kari. so we bought the neccessary ingredients (mee, tauhu, etc). hubby wanted to use chicken bones instead of little drummets or chicken meat. i would have prefered to use meat instead of just bones because to me, the chicken meat is important. if tak ada meat, it may not be so nice. but he chose the dish, so i went along with him. i promised to make it on saturday as we can make it for lunch and keep it till dinner.
so, yesterday was mee kari day. it didnt take me too long to prepare it. slightly over an hour. hubby wanted the bones to be really soft, so i let the curry cook longer than i would normally do.

hubby helped out. i realise that he's the only person i can cook with. i'm not good at helping people in the kitchen, neither am i good at having helpers. i dont like to sit and go 'ok, what's next?' and i dont like people posing that question to me. i prefer to be on my own so that no one gets in my way and i can cook at my own pace. hubby, the assistant chef, cut the bones into small pieces, sliced the onions (i cant slice them like he can), opened the boiled eggs, cut the tauhu and most importantly put salt in the curry (he's the fussy one when it comes to the saltiness of food - it has to be just right, while i dont really mind if the food is not salty enough).

after zohor prayers, the food was ready. we sat down in peace (the little terror was having his afternoon nap) and we enjoyed our food. it was really good, i was surprised myself. this is only my second time making mee kari, and i must say, i'm pretty proud of the product. i want to try mee bandung next. found some recipies but i'm not sure which i should try.
my final product...

as for hubby's cravings, my gynea said that the reason he was having cravings is because we are "emotionally attached". i like the way she put it rather than some people's take on why husbands get cravings when their wives are pregnant - some say its because the husband love the wife; which would mean that if your husband doesnt get cravings he doesnt love you (??)ridiculous!!
Eee bestnyer mee kari..! Nak sikit!
I had my craving for mee kari when i was 3 months pregnant. Tiap-tiap hari makan mee kari! hahah!!
Tapi lately dah tak leh makan, sakit perut..
alamak....u made me hungry
i'm a blogger mummies too but from efx2. anyway congrats for your coming baby and i am expecting as well hopefully this august.
my hubby tak crave for food, or maybe he did but he didnt mention it, i yg crave for food :)
hot mama - i takde plak craving. hubby yg lebih2. masa preggie with amir, i had to have roti canai everyday. hubby punya lah happy cos i crave the cheapest food. now dah upgrade skit...murtabak plak. adik amir ni high class skit kot. hehehehe...
nae - come lah for lunch one day. maybe lepas ni i wont have time to cook anymore...uwaaaa... :(
lazydaisy - i recognise ur name from gartblue's blog. congrats on ur pregnancy. u crave food apa, weird food ke? for now, i crave water je. sikit2 nak sprite. food takde lagi, alhamdulillah...
i wonder your next baby nanti crave ape lak? heheheh
i think i'll hit cravings for lobster when i'm preggie with the 11th child :P
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