all the best, boys. dont worry...hubby and i are not about to become one of those parents who are only out for As from their children. we're pretty relaxed about studies, provided (as hubby says) we dont mix around too much with parents who are only interested in comparing exam results. of course we would love for them to come back with As and Bs, but we're ok with Cs and Ds. even the occasional Fs (heck...we got them too when we were in school). we've got plans for the boys outside school curriculum. i'd probably slap them silly if they decide to take more than 9 subjects. like asyraf would say, tak yahhhhhhh.
speaking of school, i got some photos from yam (kak yam the boys call her, asyraf calls her ayammm) whose family runs the daycare we send the boys to. i also got some photos from their teacher, cikgu fatim (who spoils my ariff rotten).

good luck utk a.amir n a.asyraf!
wat elok2 ye dik, jgn main2, make sure dpt no.1 taw...
k.saly, dorg dh besar nnt tgk pic ni sure duk gelak je kan, hehehe...
**utk asyraf, siap le kamu dah besar sikit salah sebut name k.yam lg abis le kene gigit dgn akak taw! hehe...
That pizza place is good? The boys keep nagging me to check it out but i'm not much into pizza lately.
Exam huh...amri's preparation for exam today was to fly kite the whole day yesterday:)
OMG they are so cute...see Sally ? no need la daughter anymore, if you have a girl, you would know how she would look like already with the tudung picture...
and tu you punya bakal menantu ke ?? so cute the children...
welldone !!
p/s : mothers are horrible at school...once my daughter's classmate kena marah by his mother for getting A- for Arts while Sarah got A+... i was.."hello ?" Arts je la makcik oit !!
hahaha...ariff...mesti cikgu kt daycare geram tgk dia kan...
nadzim pun ada satu gamba pakai tudung..betul2 mcm bdk ppuan..ekekke
hahaha,hi-5 la kt kak yam,i pun suka pakaikan izmeer tudung/telekung,penyakit betul hihi-ariff comel btul pakai tudung,tu gmbr pegang penyapu tu paling comel,rajin org bujang sorang ni ya
gud luck to amir n asyraf,kindie lg,takpe la,bak kata org 'sekolah makan',dpt C ke F ke kita parent boleh gelak2 lg,tp cam dpt best result jer dua2 org eai ni,tgk muka tau dah cerdik tak cerdik
puan akak salina
dah kenapa sume berscarf dan bertelekong..huhuhu
yam...thanks for the gambar. oooo so ni lah kerja diorang kat school eh? hahaha si asyraf tu memang. pelat je lebih.
nae...pizza place quite good. they've got a lot of other things apart from pizza. the mushroom soup is nice.
alia...ariff looks exactly like me, wearing a tudung/telekong haha. yeah...parents now are as pressured as their children. oh well...
azie...tu lah cikgu asyik ngacau ariff sbb ariff tu layan je :)
mar...u pun sama ke? hahaha...kalau i pakaikan telekung sure hubby i marah. kat rumah kitorg pakaikan diorang kain sarong. result 2eai ni usually ok when it comes to bm, english & maths. tapi bila arts & crafts, semua dpt F hahaha
cik adik ila...tu lah akibatnya tinggalkan anak2 lama sgt kat skolah, semua kena bully hahaha
Laaaa...comey nye...ARiff ke tu? ingat anak dara mana yg bertudung tu hehe :D
waaa k.sally...nice n cute pic la... baru nak tegor aper lame beno akak tak update blog... sekali nahh gambar2 yg sgt2 cute..eheheh tak leh tahan la yg part pakai tudung/telekung tu... ekekek rs cam nak gomol je haa... at least ada gak gambar kenangan eheheh
totally agreed wif u!
bebudak ni jgn dipaksa..masing2 ada kepakarannye..kite tgkkn aje..cm akim dulu mak gee tkde nk push2 dia sepertimana parent lain hrpkn pd anak mereka ..awal2 lg byk benda dh diprovidekn utk mereka..akim kami tk sediakn pape..yg ptt2 je..at the end of the day..alhamdulillah..antara top 5 dikelas..
conslucionnye seperti kite dedolu tk suka dipaksa..kite tau la nk wt ape yg trbaik utk diri sendri kan..kekekeke (pnjgnye bebelan ku)
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