akmal's pead asked if we wanted to admit him. honestly, i would feel better if he was. but then we decided to take him for a nasal suction and then back to the doctor to see if it helped. it did. after the suction akmal slept, he slept for 4 hours.

on the way back, we decided to watch a movie. its been a long time since we went to the cinema. so i texted the teacher, telling her we're about to send akmal and wanted her to get amir & asyraf ready. we decided to bring the 2 boys for a (half) day out.
there was nothing good showing. i thought monsters vs aliens was already out. so we chose xmen instead. it was ok...no biggie. amir liked it. asyraf, being asyraf, could not sit still after the popcorn ran out. after half an hour of him walking around, i decided to bring him out for a walk. we went too FOS, mum's care, parkson before going to the cinema, only to find the movie has ended.

met hubby and amir outside and took the boys for dinner at chili's. asyraf finished a whole child pizza, surprisingly.

that night amir's temperature shot up. we woke up in the middle of the night to gave him voltaren. since i was on medical leave, we thought it would be best for amir to stay home. his fever went up and down. at one point it hit 40c and then went back down to 37c
today we're both at home. amir's recovering from his fever while i'm recovering from a really bad cough and cold. hopefully it'll go away soon.
wah caya kak bwk dorg masuk cinema .. hope all kids cepat sembuh ok ;-)
wah! asyraf boleh habiskan child pizza kat chili's? terror tuh! sbb zura pun belum tentu habisss... kalau makan situ musti pilih utk menu anak2. konon dina lah yg makan.. tp sebenarnya mamanya nak makan.. terror lah asyraf!!!
moga akmal cepat sembuh ya ;) irdina pg tadi pun demam skit... hope tak melarat lah...
oh my..sian amir n akmal..sally,i feel u,sama lah anak2 kita ni huhu..lgpun now ni mmg musim sakit,masa izmeer admitted haritu,ramai kids baya2 umur amir n irina high fever,jenis fever yg payah nak baik,on off on off,sedar2 ada jangkitan kuman kt paru2,doc said it's viral infection
monitor them closely sally, teringat i masa kt spital haritu kids yg warded kena cucuk sana sini,nmpk doctor meraung2,hati i pulak yg sedih,i cant imagine kalau jadi kt irina,dgn i sama2 meraung agaknya(mak irina slalu over kan hihi)..i doakan amir n akmal cpt smbuh,cpt2 la musim sakit ni berlalu,letih dah ulang alik hospital ni huhu..
diana...amir dah biasa masuk cinema, asyraf pun slalu gak when he was younger. but sejak asyraf besar ni baru first time bawak dia. selama ni tak berani cos dia ganassss :)
zura...hish si asyraf ni jangan main2 kalau bab pasta. dia mmg suka pizza, lasagna, spaghetti, macaroni. memang masuk je...elok lah tu, senang bila main bola nanti :) hope irdina ok.
mar...tu lah. when we were at the hosp, doc ckp the day before 20 of his patients were admitted. ni baru sorang doc, doc lain ramai lagi patients admitted. mmg the cuaca pretty bad now.
we all pun dah all prepared for akmal to be admitted. earlier in the week before kena suction, dia mmg susah sgt nak bernafas. asyik throwing out his hands macam crying out for help bila dia tak dpt bernafas. kesian tengok, so masa jumpa doc we all terus mintak suction.
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