my gynae laughed when i walked into her room. you're still here, she said. yeah...barely! i told her that i feel lighter and the contraction has been less but when they come, its more painful. not surprising, she said, we'll see if you've dilated. i was all prepared. first she check the baby's development and weight. couldnt see much, he seems to have filled every inch of my tummy. the doctor commented that he's very active and is breathing very well (not that i can see from my angle). his weight remains at 2.5kg.
for the fourth time, i have induced myself being at home. the doctor said i'm already 2cm dilated and gave me a massage to start off the labour process. then she announced - next week, confirmed! hubby quickly said, can we make it tuesday? he's planning to do some work today, apply for his 2 days paternity entitlement then take thursday and friday off to complete the week. so its decided and unless i get some signs before (bleeding, constant contraction, the show), we will deliver on tuesday. not a bad date too, 030309.
after the check up we went to get some groceries. i wanted to stock up on my confinement food - cornflakes, cocopops & enough milk for breakfast and beef, chicken and fish that i marinated for my lunch.
my food...
my drinks...
good thing we changed our plan from being admitted today. i could use the day to do one last round of laundry, the cleaner could come over to do some thorough cleaning, i managed to pack up the boys' things and i can played the surah al-baqarah cd to 'cleanse' the house.
empty laundry baskets & full load aired...
the boys' things over the 3 days...
come tomorrow, we'll be a family of 6 insyaallah...
good luck my dear, my prayers for you to have a smooth delivery
gOOd luck frOm me tOO! =)
Finally...eai#4 is going to make his grand entrance. Hope everything goes smoothly :)
Good luck Kak Sally
Tk sabar nk tgk ahli baru kak sally
All Da Best!!!!!
esok pasti saya tertunggu2 sms dari of it will be 6 of you...bestt nyee..
semoga semuanya selamat..... :)..
as i said b4.. good luck.. and have a good rest after deliver(maksodnye 3 eai kat school la kan.. :P :D) ehehe
tak sabar nak tgk eai#4.. either he look like asyraf ke ariff..ehehe
semoga semua selamat..aminnnn
menarik tul makanan dlm plastik tu :D
all the best ya!
Semoga dipermudahkan semuanya. Congrats in advance!
wah!i pulak yg berdebar,dah mengalahkan encik isyam punya debaran lak-sally,all the best to u,i doakan dr jauh u selamat semuanya,mommy and baby sihat,aminn..congrats fren!
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