it was too good to last. we received a letter last wednesday requesting that the boys be moved back to the school they went to early last year. they cited the reason of the employees of the company where the boys' current daycare is located, not happy with non-employee sending their children there. so, hubby being ex-employee of the company, we have to take the boys out.
the school pacified the move by ensuring us 2 of the boys' teachers would be moving to the new school as well. it did make us feel better. but will be in a house and the boys will lose the segragation by age that is currently practised, which we really like. another thing i prefer with the current school is that its fully air-conditioned. no mosquitoes, no unfavourable-smelling boys come 7pm, no moody boys as well.
but i guess we have to accept this request. aw man...just when the current school is being refurbished...drat!!
oh well...some pictures of the boys over the weekend.
my babies
picture time
play time

bath time
nap time

i love the sleeping photo, when the cuties were smaller(actually i still do this even now) i can spend hours watching them sleeping, so preaceful kan? not only to them but to me as well, that is provided if i don't fall asleep first ;)
comelnye perut ariff... :)
wah ariff, buat pe belakang tv tu...heheheh :D sonok tgk dorang membesar bersama2...bergumbira :D
akmal dah merah muka menangis tu dikeliling bro-bro dia hehe :D
Wahhh...Arif! Tak cukup clear ke tv tu :)
Love the photos. Ones to keep for their weddings nanti. :-)
A (belated) big congratulations to you and husband on your 4th boy! Haven't checked you blog in a while.
bila tengok diorang tidur...
haih comel sangat...
geram pun ada...
tapi kalau diorang jaga...
arghhhh... lagi geram...
sebab tengok diorang senyum...
kak sally, sonoknyer tgk 4 beradik nie.... tapi tgk arif besar dr asyraf... hehehhe... im hepi 4 u kak sally.... take care sis:D
ayoo itu moks panjat tv ka ? hahaha..ohh how adorable are they in the toilet playing with bubbles..luv the pics, i wonder would they too 20 years from now..hahaha..akmal nangis kuat tul, mummy puneyr psl nk amik all of her boys together, akmal gak yg tensen..haha..
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