of course with 3 boys to bathe, not to mention the daddy and mummy, we only left the house after 8am. we sent amir to school first and was stuck behind a large number of vehicles behind the daycare. we got to the hospital at 9am. i went to verify the GLs while hubby sent our appointment cards to the clinics.
asyraf was just about to sleep when we reached the hospital but good thing he wasnt in a bad mood. we were able to have our breakfast while he watched sesame street and nibbled and ariff slept. went to my gynae's clinic first. she wasnt in yet. she came in late today and i was the 4th in line. so it was basically an hour-long wait. asyraf was being passed between hubby and i. ariff continued his sleep. spoke to my gynae about contraception. i initially didnt want any method of contraception as i wanted another baby immediately. but we made another plan for next year so we decided to push the baby no 4 plan to the year after next. after discussing with my gynae, i opted for contraceptive pills. that's the best method since i'm a diligent pill-taker (i've never missed my daily caltrade and pramilet intake during all 3 pregnancies) and its easy enough to stop if we decide to proceed with our next one.
we paid a courtesy call to the peadiatric surgeon who circumcised ariff. he checked his work and was pretty happy with it, he even gave ariff a lifetime guarantee. we discussed when would be the best time for amir and asyraf to be circumcised - not for another 6 years, we were told. drat...
then off to see the boys' peadiatrician. good thing amir was not around, if not he would either be on the play horse or taking the soft toys or bugging the doctor with 1001 questions. asyraf has a bad infection on his elbow, the doctor said it could be due to fungus and prescribed him antibiotics and a couple of creams, hope it'll go away soon. he's forever scratching his elbow and that makes it worse. surprisingly asyraf didnt cry when given his mmr jab, the doctor said he was very "gagah" (nice choice of word there doctor...)
ariff had his hepatitis B jab today. he was also given a few creams for the rashes on his face. the doctor wanted us to take ariff to the a&e to clear his airway. his nose has been blocked for 4 days now. its not too bad that he cant have his meals but its bad enough that it would wake him up at night. we came out from the clinic with a long list of medicine (4 creams & 3 syrups for asyraf and 2 creams & 2 nose drops for ariff). hubby and i went our separate ways, he went to the pharmacy to get the medicine while i took ariff to the a&e for the suction.
after a long, long morning at the hospital, we finally for home at 130pm. oh penat nya...
asyraf having while waiting at the clinic, ariff slept throughout...
ariff getting his airways cleared, my poor baby & the medicine we took home...
ariff, all cried out...
kak sally..boleh kasik email x?nak tnya smthing
laaa the 3rd dah keluar yea !
i was sooo busy ... tu lah dah tertinggal keretapi !
good idea to space a bit, my 4th came when the 3rd was 3 yold, compared to the 1.5 yr gap between 1-2 and 2-3.
salaam...hi akak..my name is ayumie...suke tgk akak & family...ala ciannyer baby...byk tul medicine for him...anyway, selamat berkenalan..& feels free to visit my fp at:
password: myjourney
ym: ayumie4179
i saw 'yasmin'. i read somewhere that it has good efects on your skin like making it finer & smoother, not that u hv any skin problem, tapi bonuslah utk org2 mcm i ni. i'd love to try it but tau2 jelah my body tak bleh accept pil hormon... maunya kekejangan menahan migrain nnti.
kak sally, cuber try bg lingzhi...yg ayumie guner & tau kebaikan ialah daripada Shuang Hor products...selamat & insyaallah dpt membantu...ni website shuang hor (tp lembap giler hehehe)... ayumie pon bg anak ayumie shuang hor punyer lz...alhamdulillah berkesan utk selesema, demam & for her imune system... heheh cam promote product pulak kan? tp tak salah kan berkongsi aper yg kiter tau?
regards...ayumie a.k.a mama dania
Ala...i paling kesian tgk baby kena clear airways tu. Alhamdulillah I rancang sendiri. Afiq is asking for a brother ..hannah is nearly 3yo erm...erm...
hik hik..mmg byk tul cream but normal..even kitaorg, elomet tuh mmg wajib dlm stok.....
lama ichlas x jumpa ngan asyraf but currently my schedule very tight..n now dah x ader helper n sedang jd superwomen gak nih....huhuhuhuhu..
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