i'm very proud of his achievement, he's able to tell numbers 1-6 and his a-f (not just recite but identify them as well). he also knows his jawi and is able to name different types of animals and body features. his arts and crafts results are better, he got a B compared to E last time around. he also got perfect marks for his malay and maths. i was not happy with his english at all, he only received 50%. obviously he converses in malay only at school. well, its ok...he's not even 3. but what happens when we change his school when he's 5? i plan to send him to an english-medium school will he have trouble settling in?
amir's class put on a dance routine. amir came on to the stage with his hands in his pocket. i think he was trying to stay calm. imagine coming in to a room of of parents with cameras and video cameras, all squatting down in front of the stage. he looked around the hall for us. when he finally saw us, he didnt smile. when the song started, he didnt do anything but clapped. i think the poor boy had stage fright!
ariff was there too. calmly waiting for the event to be over in his stroller...
:) pandainyee amir.. baru 2 thn+
amboi amir...machonya dia berdiri kat atas stage tu....
ewah..asyraf pun tak ketinggalan join jugak ye pertandingan baby comel...
Iqhwan buat apa tu? cian dia jenguk aje dari dalam stroller...mummy dukung ler saya pulak....:D
hehe. cayalah amir. siap masuk tangan dlm poket tu :D
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