when i first got married, my vision of syawal celebration is at my own house. i wanted to start a new tradition of cooking in my own kitchen the night before, getting my children ready for prayers, going to the nearby mosque or surau with hubby and my children and then having a nice family breakfast together. i didnt want the hustle and bustle of getting ready and spending the morning of syawal in someone else's house. hubby didnt like my idea. his idea of raya is spending it at his parents house among all his siblings and nieces and nephews then going from one house to another from dusk till dawn.
for three of the four of my married years, i managed to celebrate at home as i was not up to travelling. two of the three years, i spent raya apart from hubby as he could not raya without going back to his hometown (its just not raya, he would say). i'm so happy that i finally get to beraya in my own home this year. hubby was not up to it and wasnt giving his 100% but its ok.
i've waited a long time for my dream to become a reality and i was not about to waste it. i dont know when i'll be celebrating syawal like this again, i'm sure hubby has different plans next year. i bought kuihs, i ordered lemang and rendang, i bought the boys new clothes (enough for 3 days), i cleaned the house, i got my friends to come over, i was happy. to hubby, it wasnt different from any other weekends we spent at home. well, i guess if you want to make it special, you can...if you dont, it wont be. so i left him to wallow in his own misery...i had fun.
amir went to the mosque with hubby on raya morning. i think he had fun watching everyone in their baju melayus and songkoks and sampins and loved that he too was in full outfit just like everyone else. when they came back we had a nice family breakfast (just hubby, me and amir) together. then we went off to kajang to visit my aunt. i had a few friends over for lunch and later on in the day went to my dad's house to have nasi dagang (the pure kelantanese nasi dagang...yum!!).
on the second day we spent the morning at home. we went to my dad's house again for lunch as my cousins were visiting. had laksa this time around but my heart was set on having soto that my mom initially planned to make.
on the third day, my aunt came over to sent ketupat and pulut. ahhh...i've been craving for ketupat since forever.
Is this the same person that have just given birth to a cute baby boy less than 2 weeks ago. And now you are up and running oredi? Wow, take it easy sis! Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya and jemput datang rumah yer
I was about to leave the same comment as "being normal". Heh, how come you can fit inside that lovely kebaya right after birth? What a nice Raya you have there. So very meriah! And Ariff is so cute! Yeah, he looks like an easy baby to handle. Alhamdulillah...I hope my no 3 will be just as good (not that I'm preggy or anything).
i would love to start the same tradition that u mention, cooking in your own kitchen di mlm raya. my parents bina hidup sendiri di tempat org, far from the embrace of family members. we never went back to "kg" for hari raya. i never get to celebrate raya dgn atuk nenek, cousins etc but that's okay for me as long as my parents there. and i love so much tgk my mum cooking on the eve of raya. i wanted so much to be able to do what she did in my very own house, just for my nucleus family.
but at the moment selagi hubby belum get over his "raya style" which is same like ur hubby's , i have to make do dgn arrangement skg.
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