we saw how ariff would look like sometime in my 27th week of pregnancy. we did the 3D scan and saw his features clearly (the earlier scan was clearer but its lost somewhere in 1utama). hubby and i immediately said...he look exactly like amir. i added...with a flat nose.
after ariff was azan-ed, hubby said he couldnt find a feature on him that doesnt look like amir. so we dubbed him "amir's twin".
so which is amir and which is ariff (the dates on the photos are giveaways, arent they?)
aleeya...insyaallah, kalau boleh mmg nak next one muka asyraf (as long as tak kuat merengek mcm asyraf :)) baru best ada 2 of each kan??
mar...gaya posing sama takpe. jgn getik sama sudah.
insyaallah diana...hope ariff ni good boy. nampak pun macam baik sangat.
auntie lia...sbb mummy amir kan pink comel2 jugak...
ana...ni sah2 tak bedung dina. hahaha...skarang pun mcm malas bedung ariff. konon nak bedung malam2 sebab sejuk. but tengah2 malam tu, mummy dia yang buang kan
the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries
grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
A home-maker, wife of a footie nut and mummy of four active boys and a baby girl with very different personalities. Loves travelling, shopping, good food and Manchester United. Spends hours doing (and redoing) lists. Loves order...hates chaos.
baby pasni muka cam asyraf lak eh? :)
they look exactly the same lah masa baby!if there's no date printed,cannot tell which one is amir and which one is aliff,gaya posing pun sama jer!
betul2 .. muka cam amir ... and ariff very good boy kan ... sebijik sama mcm scan 4D tue ..
yeah they look the same, except amir was sooo pink masa dia bb
sian pulak tgk baby kene bedung ni. hhehehe
aleeya...insyaallah, kalau boleh mmg nak next one muka asyraf (as long as tak kuat merengek mcm asyraf :)) baru best ada 2 of each kan??
mar...gaya posing sama takpe. jgn getik sama sudah.
insyaallah diana...hope ariff ni good boy. nampak pun macam baik sangat.
auntie lia...sbb mummy amir kan pink comel2 jugak...
ana...ni sah2 tak bedung dina. hahaha...skarang pun mcm malas bedung ariff. konon nak bedung malam2 sebab sejuk. but tengah2 malam tu, mummy dia yang buang kan
mmg twin amir lah ariff nih.....tapi rasa2nya getik amir tu takde sapa leh ganti...heheheh...
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