last night, we went to see the third installment of pirates of the carribean. we wanted to watch spiderman, thinking the crowd wouldnt be too huge. but my sis said they've seen it. so she booked the midnight show for pirates. what did we do with the boys? leave them? absolutely not!! the boys tagged along. yup...they watched a 1am show with us. they were both already asleep before we left the house at 1230am. amir was confused but once we reached the cineplex he remembered and started chanting "yea yea...pirate". asyraf was just happy to be cuddled.
how did they behave? amir wouldnt sleep and watched the entire 3 hour show. he didnt even blink when davy jones came on the screen (i, on the other hand, was watching from behind my palm). asyraf...dear, dear asyraf...slept throughout the movie. he woke up fussing about halfway through, wanting a diaper change and a bottle. then he feel asleep again. he was easy, i just missed 10 minutes of the whole movie.
my sis had doa selamat at her house later that night. she invited the whole clan. even my aunts from KB came down. her house was packed and all the food totally habis.
the grandmas and the minahs getik...
the boys' health update - a week on, after cutting gerber, junkfood and religiously applying the lotions and creams provided, my boys' skin are smooth once again. however, both were down with fever and flu during the weekend. asyraf's fever has been coming and going for a week now, it gets bad (well, not that bad) at night, as his nose is so blocked he cant breathe. he's also coughing badly due to the phlegm. hubby took him to the doctor today as he threw up twice last night. amir's fever came and went within a day. after 3 volterons, a couple doses of phenergen and paracetamol and one bad throwing up session (it just had to happen at my sister's house), he was up and about again.
doesnt look like they have eczema, doest it? and thanks to their pead, no scars even...
muka demam...
Comelnya gambar Asyraf & Amir ni... duduk atas riba daddy ke mummy tu? cute sangat... dah seiras dah dgn Abang longnya sejak besar ni...
Puan Akak Salina,
Alieyah pun cam Asyraf is not exzema....tapi going to kalau tak hati2...kata Paed dialah..Alieyah ni kuat bila dah berpeloh....rashes..bila dah rashes kulit kering..bila kering...dia melecur..tu yang paed dia bukan kering dia bg satu ubat tu..ila lupa plak nama dia...
tapi one of it is hydrocot..betul ke ejaan dia nieh..heheh
satu lagi..esok le bg tau..ahaks
hmmmmm...amir's muka demam is so amir masa demam...monyok je...hahaha
but asyraf's muka demam is so the auntie of cos (i'm not talking about u, princez kittie)...
eh, where's my pix?
tuan rumah pun takde gambar ke?
u so mean...penat tau...dah lah tak sempat mkn pun...poor me :(
beshhh nyer kumpul ramai2 gini... sukeee sgttttt
Kak Sally, r u pregnant. Coz tgk kat ticker tu 20 weeks. Congrate...
omigod!!!!!! r u pregnant? r u? r u? duhhh
haha! so sarcstic..
y u so jeles?
jus bcoz my poto is abailabel and urs is not.
cemburu buta.
i sooo know who this anonymous person is.
thats y lah i mad...where my pix?
so lawa n yet not abailabel 4 the whole world 2 c...what a waste...
i also know who this anonymous is...its a 'he' kan?
always comment using anonymous...
the comment mcm mock skit but usually mock tak kisah put her name bile dia sarcastic mcm 2...
pls lah, it's not me...pehal la plak i nak ber'anonymous' kat sini...
if i come up with a sarky comment, of course i'd want d whole world to know...
anyways, eiseai, when DON'T you look pregnant?!!
and tiza, takyah la nak cemburu kat org2 whose gambar appear in dis post....bukannya lawa mana pun i tgk diorg tu...or maybe it's d photographer yg tak pandai amik...
of cos sally knows who i am
and tiza....u r rite, its me
mock, jgn perasan:) tiza knows that anonymous is not u
poor princez kitty will never know who i am....sad
pe lah mock anonymous said, i know its not u...
i just said the way anonymous commented mcm mock...cara je sama but org lain...
kan i said kalau mock yg comment, sure she put her name one...
mock...u're rite about the pix tapi...hahaha...
anyways, nak gi potong rambut coz gonna start 'swamming' today...yeay!
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