
Friday, March 23, 2007

Up High

after working for a year in klcc, i finally got to go to the skybridge. we had a fire and safety briefing at work and they took us to a few places in the building, the skybridge being one of them.

i love the view...things didnt seem so small considering we were up on the 42nd floor. apparently they installed a special glass window that makes things look bigger.
heh...sure trueblue gelak kat my jakun-ness...


Anonymous said...

i'm still laughing at the 1st pix...
eh, where u?

Anonymous said...

wah bestnyer dpt naik tmpt2 tinggi ..kak js u x gayat ker?? happy jer nmk???

Anonymous said...

js nampak happy giler. hahaha
teringin gak nak naik bridge tu. mesti gayat kan? huhuhu

Cherry said...

tak gayat le gang-gang hang ni !

Anonymous said...

Wah...menarik gak keja kat tingkat tinggi2 nih..
view cantik!

harap2 takde kejadian lif rosak..bayangkan camner nak panjat tingkat paling atas tu..pengsan!

eiseais said...

heh...tak gayat lah. everything looked so big even at that floor. kata they've installed a special glass window that makes objects looks bigger than they really are...

trueblue said...

Yes..memang I tergelak. Hahaha

Anonymous said...

waaaaah, nasib baik nampak si eiseai. ehehehehehe. mcm jakuuuun je tangkap gambar kat atas skybridge itu yeee. ehehehe.


mock said...

i terbahak2...sket lagi nak jatuh kerusi...

eiseais said...

mock..siot je. hahahhaha

Anonymous said...

first time I saw you wearing skirt ahhahahhahah so pelik ......hahahhahahh


the value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults - peter de vries

grown-ups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explainning things to them - antoine de saint-exupery
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