we went for a dinner last night to celebrate his 33rd birthday (gawd...he is OLD!!). had buffet at shangri-la. food was great, but the people were not so. looking at the amount of food they lump onto their plates, you'd think it was their last meal.
asyraf slept the whole time. amir as usual, was his getik self with all the attention. he practised singing "happy birthday pappy" the whole day, but wasnt allowed to sing by my brother.
some pix i (or rather tiza) took last night...
my father took strawberries after seeing a lady taking 12 sticks for herself...he nak lepas tension lah tu...
and making his debut appearence on my blog...pappy...
oh god!
takde gambar elok skit ke?
have you been to hot mama's bro's restaurant?
come to think of it, i pun never really know how yr "pappy" looked like b4 this...
did someone actually comment that he was never featured here?
eh, how far into d pregnancy r u?
btw, i baru put 2 n 2 together n realised that "tiza" is actually yr sis!!! duhh!!
hi tiza, ur lookin well! remember me? that is, if u know who "me" is la...
errmmmmm...mock likes chicken chop from decanter kan?
i think u need 2 get ur eyes checked:-
"hi tiza, ur lookin well!" - errrr, dont think so...unless lookin well means fat...hahaha...
Which one is your brother js?
last photo tu ke?
erin...eiseai's brother is the one on the baby chair.
keh keh keh...
tiza....who is this mock individual? why does s/he know you? when did s/he go to decanter?
why was I not invited?
Mock....why didn't you invite me when you went to decanter?
how cudchu! how cudchu!
I think the chick in the black cardie and black sleeveless top is HOT!!
eiseai....wat la you....u shud go to chocz @ klcc and have the strawberries there.
its very sedap! wif whipped cream and sugar some more....
and here you've been working there for how long again...????
what will you people do without me??
chocz at klcc?? that's the place me and mock lepak-ed for like - what mock - 6 hours??
tiza -
yups, mock certainly likes that decanter chick chop...told eiseai i'm gonna try everythin on the menu...
and "ur lookin well" literally translates to "awak nampak sihat", and i meant just that...stop analysing, and jst take it for what it was intended as, ie a compliment, ok? trima kasey...
princess -
u must be the adik kecik. we were never formally introduced.
you liking decanter too? me absolutely loving it, for now. problem is, sume org dah takmo layan..."you ni takde tempat lain ke nak pegi?!!!" so sapa2 yg terasa nak teman i ke situ jst holler la, n i'll set a date...heheh...
eiseai -
aaahhhh....chocz...brings back so many happy memories...the chocolates...the strawberries...the idea of sitting there idle for 6 hours...the idea of not having to go to work....
hmmm...wonder when my next sabbatical is gonna be...
mock! oh tidak!
i loves the decanter...
esp the cantonese style kuey teow and the CHICKEN CURRY YANG SEDAP GILER OH TAK TAHAN NYA AKU!!!!!
so sedap ok! sedap giler!
and then the choc moist is too sedap to mention
but i mention anyway
and then there's the caramel vanilla milkshake....
ooooo!!!!! sabar je la
everytime i go there i dono wat to order.
by d way, nak pegi tue, pegi je...
i saturday, bila restless nak kluar rumah, i pegi sana je
ample parking, no traffic and good food
service pun best and environment is good
toilet is clean
kalau ada chocz nearby, i'll prob end up going there everyday as well
u shud oso go to bakerzin. so much better than delicious.
the sumatera is to DIE for!
eiseai.....eksen ya awak nie.
tiza, looking sihat means u look like a bidadari....hee hee
mock...mmg decanter tu our 2nd home...i was the one who told eiseai to ask u to try the chick chop coz masa mdm kwan's dulu pun u suka their chick chop (how nice of me to remember kan ?)...hehehe...
n princess kittie is not the adik kecik lah , she's the adik bessaaarrrrr...hahaha...
princess kittie...dont u work at decanter ? hahaha...
thanx 4 the bidadari compliment...mesti sbb i paid 4 ur yoga classes kan ? hehehe...
btw , mock ni , if u must know , is my stalker...dunno lah y she like me so much...muahahaha...
princess kittie -
i shud go bakerzin?!! u silap org la...bakerzin tu pun saya dah khatam gak...absolutely mad abt the raspberry panna cotta...go there makan dessert je pun, i'm a happy bunny...
tiza -
bila lak kita gi mdm kwans ni?! and decanter yr second home?!! no wonder la masing2 sihat semacam...
n since when was i ever yr stalker?!! apa2 saja la, asal bahagia...i think eiseai yg got serious shit punya stalker...some nincompoop called baby grey or somethin...
eiseai -
sorry la...yr blog ni dah jadi cam bulletin board lak...
mock...more like jejak kasih in here.
baby grey...wonder what happened to it?? ironic. as i'm typing this there's a show called grey on telly...hmmmm
mock...yes, i know about baby grey...that stalker has some serious mental problem...
wonder y she calls herself baby grey...grey tu maybe coz of her fevret tv show (eh, mana tau ni?) but baby tu...mcm 2 big 4 a baby je...hahaha...
n how could u 4get mdm kwan's? eiseai!!!!!!! uuwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(
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